Usually in audio or advanced settings, you can improve this by turning on Dynamic Range Compression, aka Night Mode, aka Loudness Equalization.
It’s not as ideal a solution as movie makers respecting speech clarity (looking at you Christopher Nolan), but it helps if you want to understand dialogue without pissing off the neighbors.
Many modern TV’s come with some form of motion smoothing turned on by default –sometimes referred to as the “soap opera effect”
>What you’re looking at is a common feature that many TV manufacturers have been building into TVs since around the time that 4K TVs came onto the scene. What you’re seeing goes by a few different names, included motion smoothing, motion compensation, or video interpolation, but is more commonly known as the Soap Opera Effect. The good news is, it’s easy to fix, and doing so can help you enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows as they were meant to be seen.
Not so fast Blackthorne!
This is a clip from Tenet
It’s no Gunnar Gunnarssonsson, but it’s very accurate.
Usually in audio or advanced settings, you can improve this by turning on Dynamic Range Compression, aka Night Mode, aka Loudness Equalization.
It’s not as ideal a solution as movie makers respecting speech clarity (looking at you Christopher Nolan), but it helps if you want to understand dialogue without pissing off the neighbors.
And cutting to commercials every 3 minutes.
I lived close to an airport approach way.
Summer nights – airplanes passing – volume creep.
Many modern TV’s come with some form of motion smoothing turned on by default –sometimes referred to as the “soap opera effect”
>What you’re looking at is a common feature that many TV manufacturers have been building into TVs since around the time that 4K TVs came onto the scene. What you’re seeing goes by a few different names, included motion smoothing, motion compensation, or video interpolation, but is more commonly known as the Soap Opera Effect. The good news is, it’s easy to fix, and doing so can help you enjoy your favorite movies and TV shows as they were meant to be seen.