Was that one of mine? Yeah it was…nice.
Was that one of mine? Yeah it was…nice.
by u/Dave-1066 in funny
View Reddit by Dave-1066 – View Source
Was that one of mine? Yeah it was…nice.
Was that one of mine? Yeah it was…nice.
by u/Dave-1066 in funny
View Reddit by Dave-1066 – View Source
That facial expression gets me every time 😂
Flatulence is always funny.
Ape is a badass
Hahah his face 😂
How it stopped chewing for a second thinking did I just fart.
“Wait, do farts have lumps?” – gorilla
Thats me enjoying the beef chalupa from TB!
He was just contemplating if he needs to take a shit lol. I know that face.
*thinks about it* “na I’m good for now”
is there a longer vid?
Was that…? Nope, we good.
Why does he look like Daniel Craig?
“Good bouquet”.
Treeeeeeeeeee Fitttty
Looks like my dad when he’s eating
Looks like one of my drinking buddies. What a resemblance!
Shart? or fart?
Thought he was eating a Kong dog chewy at first
Grandpa vibes
He was like do you have anything to say?
Yes, YOU farted!
Don’t worry the sweet aroma from that bell pepper should make a good gas mask lol
What a magnificent looking creature.
What is he eating? A whole red pepper?
This gorilla looks like my grandpa
he pauses expecting to feel something running down the back of his legs but, no, no emergency this time
Nobody can tell me we didn’t evolve from apes, look at those facial expressions. Wtf.
Farts. Pauses for the wet feeling. Not wet, resume eating.
God I love these. Silverback facial expressions are just the best.
“Holup. This apple tastes kinds funny….”
Look at those ‘human expressions’ on his face.
Thats one handsome gorrila.
Dude has a human face
He looks like Hasbula hahahaha
The gorilla took few seconds to smell the fart before continuing eating. 🤣
The gorilla took few seconds to smell the fart before continuing eating.
My Spirit Animal!!
“This always happens when I eat peppers”
Stopped to smell it.