Walmart in Los Angeles locks up underwear now!
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Walmart in Los Angeles locks up underwear now!
View Reddit by Happytowalk3 – View Source
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Eventually they will have to lock up everything.
when people on Reddit say “oh it’s just petty theft, stop sucking corporate dick” or whatever, this is the kind of bullshit everyone needs to deal with after it gets out of control, in addition to the cost increases and stores shutting down entirely.
Not just LA. Same here in Oregon
This likely reduces theft. It also reduces sales. I have NEVER asked for a product locked behind walmart’s new cages. I just buy it somewhere else.
Must super suck to be the employees having to always run around helping customers pick up their orders.
Hilariously, markets have finally reverted to how they existed before shopping carts were devised: everything behind a counter and you have the employee assemble your order from your list (which is what online is doing now)
I went to Walmart to replace my toothbrush and they had all of the good toothbrushes locked up.
I just left and bought it in a different town.
Next step is closing the store.
Same here in Tucson.. I honestly just left. Didn’t come into the store to ask someone for help on picking out my under wear
Same in Austin. Saw this at my local wm and just went home and amazoned it. Any of you graybeards remember Service Merchandise? The past is prologue.
Had to wait almost 20 mins for someone to unlock a case to buy a pair of $4 headphones today at walmart, How the fuck is this suppose to work when half the store is behind locked glass cases? It would take me 3 hours just to buy 6 things
They don’t give a shit at the Walmart I went to in Las Vegas. Packs of underwear were ripped open and random packs were strewn all around the aisles. It was so messy that I couldn’t tell where things were supposed to go.
May as well go back to the days where everything was in back and someone at the counter took your list and filled the order.
Tell people to stop stealing shit, it’s ruining everything for the rest of us who don’t.
If your going lock up everything, if going to make the shopping experience so awful for everyone else; why even be open?
We’re slowly regressing back to the olden times when everything in the general store was behind the counter and the clerk had to get it for you.
Underwear and undershirts are expensive as fuck for some reason
Organizing the mens underwear section at my last job was a nightmare because people will just pull the damn things out of the packaging and throw them on the ground. this is probably the result of some very frustrated staff who couldn’t keep up with the mess.
amazon will be picking up all of this new clientel. and then when porch pirates start going to homes instead of walmart people will start buying AMAZONtm lock boxes for their porches. then it will just move on to straight up muggings. crime is conserved, unfortunately, and the only winner here will be amazon.
Is this how we want to live in our society?
Now how in the hell am I supposed to sniff it?
Why bother having a physical location at this point?
I find it fucked up that underwear gets stolen to the point where it has to be locked up. Richest country in the world and people need to steal underwear and sleep in cars. God bless America.
The thing that gets me is; once they hand it to you and walk away, you can still steal it
At a Walmart in Dallas, they had the body wash locked up. Pressed the damn call button about a dozen times and finally gave up. Freaking $4 body wash….
Or maybe, just detain the shoplifters at the door?
I hate going into CVS and the like now. Shelves are mostly empty and you can no longer just grab something quick. You have to wait 15 minutes sometimes for someone to unlock shit, if they even have what you want. I’d rather just plan ahead and go to Amazon or a nicer store like Sephora.
people steal with no repercussions. eventually everything will be pre order and pickup or delivery.
Unpopular opinion, but this would be good for me because my Walmart has its underwear, shirts and socks all over the fucking place lol it’s like a tornado came through there
Bet you any money the book/magazine sections aren’t locked up.
Where is this? There are no Walmart stores in the city of Los Angeles. There are some in the surrounding cities though.
Glad that hasn’t made its way to my area yet. Absolutely ridiculous that this is what stories are forced to do. Need to put the fear of consequences back into people to stop this shit.
Thank your local thief…
When I arrived in London, I noticed in the supermarket a lot of items were locked, including the razors. I couldn’t see an employee, but noticed one pack I was interested in that wasn’t locked properly. I went to touch it, and it triggered a sensor, with a flashing light above the aisle, and a speaker with an obnoxious “Please wait, an employee is coming to help you”.
I waited one minutes, no-one came. So I ran my hand along the shelf, bumping all the hanging razors. I think I broke the system; the speaker repeated itself ad infinium, and when an employee finally came we laughed about it, they were visibly annoyed by the obnoxious repeating sound too.
I hate the whole “go find someone with a key” shopping concept… im the type that’ll stand there with two similar products in my hands, reading the package and comparing the two and sometimes I take forever doing it…. shopping for alot of us is more than just having a list a picking out specific shit that requires no analysis…
Some people like to just browse to gather ideas for redecorating, etc…
I wouldn’t bother going in there at all if every item is locked.
They should just lock the front door and make it a drive though
Some of you just don’t get it. Stores sell things. They don’t give them away for free. Stealing and thieving got these stores to this point. If they don’t make money because of theft, they close.
Stop stealing.
Too many drug addicted bums stealing fresh drawers after their morning Fenty blowouts
Stealing is allowed there. Thanks Democrats
Leftist policies are in full effect.