We have a problem here with people leaving dog shit. As someone with toddlers that constantly pick things up and put them in their mouth, I have no issue increasing someone’s vet bills for not cleaning up after their dog. My innocent kid suffers, so does your dog, and your wallet.
yeah, funny but so true. just don’t bring your pets if you don’t want to clean after them
If a dog leaves one fourth the cap.acity of a truckers hat. Of poop on a sidewalk, everyone loses thier minds.
Now if a horse excretes seven. Or more – truckers hat cap.acity of poop. On that same sidewalk. Not one person bats an eyelash.
Get them some thumbs
I’m from Canada and I still don’t get one thing:
If my dog can scoop his poop, does he not need a leash?
I bet someone will try hard to make his dog do this
My town has signs that say “there’s no magic poo fairy”
My dog can, but he doesn’t want to.
My friend’s dog can eat his own poop
So as long as my little poop eater does the deal he can run around leashless?
loop hole: My dog can do this. He’s just a dick and refuses to. Sorry, nothing I can do, kthxbye.
Im not sure I want to share the pathway with people standing on their seat and handle bars.
The FNV gang is at it again aye?
Give way to people standing on bikes.
The pronoun for dogs is “it,” not “they.” Or is this controversial now? 😅
We have a problem here with people leaving dog shit. As someone with toddlers that constantly pick things up and put them in their mouth, I have no issue increasing someone’s vet bills for not cleaning up after their dog. My innocent kid suffers, so does your dog, and your wallet.