video grab of 21 year old Christina Darling running away after spiting on a 8 year old jewish boy **
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video grab of 21 year old Christina Darling running away after spiting on a 8 year old jewish boy **
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She has no idea of the hornets nest she’s stirred.
** Darling who told three children aged 2, 7 and 8 years old “‘Hitler should have killed you all,” “I’ll kill you and know where you live”. A student of psychology at St Francis College, she spit on one of them and then ran away.
21 going on 45. Those are so hard miles.
That’s the look of someone who *may have* realized she done fucked it allllllll the way up
I hope she gets federal hate crimes convictions. Nazis should not be free to walk among us.
Kind of ironic her last name is Darling
It’s kind of funny how many pro Nazi people would not have been accepted by them.
I’m ready to start getting more kinetic against the racist and nazis. It’s evil in our midst, it’s not acceptable. Stand up, start action en mass.
According to the article she pretended that her mom was dead to garner sympathy …
She sounds like she would be awesome to be around
School ain’t gonna do you a bit of good now, girl. Good luck in life. You’re gonna need it.
We live in a world where more than an insignificant percentage of the population thinks this is OK. That’s fucked.
First the smoothie guy and now this girl, people are really upset this weekend I guess
Has she been arrested yet?
At first I thought “well, that’s just an unflattering angle.”
Now that’s a real cunt!!
21? Bitch looks 40.
Her life has been ruined by a racist. Lol
Imagine hate so thick you’d do these things. Astonishing.
but why
even if you’re a racist prick
why spit on a child
what good does that do you
Of course her mother pulled the mental illness card to explain her behaviour.
When she inevitably gets removed from any work/school she has, the hate groups that she is clearly a part of will praise her and reinforce the idea that Jews control the world or whatever bullshit she believes. She will continue to spiral towards that life of hate and never be free from it.
What a garbage person.
Damn can only imagine if i saw someone spitting on a little kid in a hate crime, that shit wouldnt fly though
Who is the worse bitch; this cunt or that ex-Meryl Lynch alpha-douche who wanted to kill teenagers over a smoothie?
> “I’m glad she was found & charged with a crime but what in G-d’s name is going on in this country that an adult would target innocent kids with such hatred?” former state Assemblyman [Dov Hikind](https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AGF-l78_wY1jgtUZBWcvZ8g93gCd_sL3ROuPCpldRA=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo) of Brooklyn raged on Twitter.
She spit on a child because he is Jewish?
Found the article, it makes me so sad that people like that make it to adulthood.
Yeah if someone spat on my 8 yo while I’m around I’m fuckin cunt punting them. Maybe even a Steven Segal low-kick to the throat while they’re down. Why spit on a kid?
I dont understand what happened can someone provide context or a link?
*she’s a disrespectful ignorant shit human*
This person is a student of psychology!
[Comments from her ex in the NY Post](https://nypost.com/2022/01/21/nyc-woman-who-told-kids-hitler-should-have-killed-you-all-arrested-cops/)
*But the suspect’s former flame from high school, Shayne Yorrick, told The Post that his ex always had issues with Hasidic Jews.*
*“I know she had a thing against Hasidic Jews, but I never knew it was this severe,” Yorrick told The Post of Christina Darling on Friday. “She would bad-mouth and talk down on them. She said they were annoying, that they don’t deserve to be around and should all go back to Israel – things along those lines.”*
*Yorrick, 23, said he last spoke to Darling last summer and has since thrown out or deleted all of the photos he had of them together. He’s “appalled” by the allegations facing the woman he once thought he might marry.*
*“I was shocked that she would’ve done such a thing,” Yorrick said. “But honestly, toward the religious [Jews], she had more of a mean streak towards them.”*
*The couple’s relationship ended “bitterly” in March after Darling cheated on him, he said.*
*“I believe justice was served,” the scorned ex said of her arrest.*
She’s probably a mod in r/politics