Saturday, March 15All That Matters

US Gov’t Says You MUST Use This Lock


  • Ah, I remember that lock. It was on the big plastic consolidated mailbox in front of my childhood home.

    Whenever my parents misplaced the key (or my report card was coming) I would just grip the lock with some mini pliers and turn. It would “open” and “close” easily without leaving any trace behind.

    10 year old me was a shady mf.

  • I knew that at some point this guy was going to say, “tHe gOvErNmEnt…”

    Our mail has been stolen 8 times in the past 2 years. The attacks were either the thieves had the mail carriers’ arrow key which unlocks all the mail boxes at the same time or the mail box was pried open. We have cameras and no one used this lock picking method. But sure, “tHe GoVeRnMenT” that’s my issue. ROFL.

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