I wonder how many Americans look at this and wonder, “What is wrong with this picture? Seems alright to me.” And I’ll add another confusing item; I used to be a Upper.
In reality da U.P. is de facto Baja Wisconsin, so there’s that.
Oh and Foxconn- it’s fate is not ‘uncertain’ nor is it a dilemma- F that political dumpster fire. One more in a long line of legal swindles cloaked in ‘wE tRiED tO brInG JoBS!*’
All those people in the former upper peninsula. This whole time they’ve been throwing out Canadian coins and making fun of the Queen. Now they’ve just developed an inferiority complex.
As a Michigander, I’m okay with this map. I bet the yoopers are too. Real talk: most yoops I know root for the Packers anyways, they never really resonated with us trolls.
I wonder how many Americans look at this and wonder, “What is wrong with this picture? Seems alright to me.” And I’ll add another confusing item; I used to be a Upper.
In reality da U.P. is de facto Baja Wisconsin, so there’s that.
Oh and Foxconn- it’s fate is not ‘uncertain’ nor is it a dilemma- F that political dumpster fire. One more in a long line of legal swindles cloaked in ‘wE tRiED tO brInG JoBS!*’
*but with zero due diligence
Explanation. The map labels that area north of Wisconsin bordering the Lake Superior as Canada, when in fact belongs to Michigan
This is not funny. It’s embarrassing for that Fox channel. But I’m quite sure there are many things way more embarrassing for that network
Yoopers on suicide watch rn
What is this? A Canada for ants?!
It’s a FOX station – not surprising at all.
Eventually someone is going to have to step up and take ownership of the UP. That place has been lawless and un-governed for far too long.
The fact that Wisconsin didn’t take over the upper peninsula tells you everything you need to know about those cheese eating cowards
I heard we swapped it to Canada for a future first-round draft pick.
If this is a Wisconsin station, we can’t discount the possibility that it could be intentional.
The Yoopers have been illegally annexed by Canada!
I live in Mt Pleasant in the center of MI. This is weird.
Because it’s hard to accept that there’s the state of michigan, and then some more michigan on a map
they were only “technically wrong”
Do I get healthcare now?
A bunch of WiCans
It’s Michiganada
Didn’t know my vacation property was in Canada. Weird.
Hmmm…we took it over…..didn’t even fire a shot. Pretty awesome IMO….
“FOX” (eye roll)
So much for that $10 billion investment.
As a Yooper/Canadian, I am both highly offended as well as sorry!
All those people in the former upper peninsula. This whole time they’ve been throwing out Canadian coins and making fun of the Queen. Now they’ve just developed an inferiority complex.
There’s thousands of bad maps that have appeared on news programs over the years. Where do they come from?
Jokes? Lazy internet searches? Graphic artists drawing maps from memory?
This always puzzled me, having it as US just seems cartographic ally wrong.
Where the fuck do these news companies but their maps from?
If you’ve never been there, that’s pretty accurate.
We’ve been invaded?
As a Michigander, I’m okay with this map. I bet the yoopers are too. Real talk: most yoops I know root for the Packers anyways, they never really resonated with us trolls.
Wow even the Fox News affiliates stations are stupid people.
211 years later, Canada finally wins some territory in the war of 1812.
Natives call it South Canada
We’re taking it back, you’ve been irresponsible with it