Units crossing a river in my game is somehow really satisfying. Should I keep it like this?
Units crossing a river in my game is somehow really satisfying. Should I keep it like this? from gaming
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Damn. I also get a bit nauseous seeing it in a gif haha
It does look so so clean, love the aesthetic! It does look a little cartoony, but in a fantastic way, like something out of a classic Loony Tunes. As long as you’re not going for an ultra realistic vibe I think it’s great and has lots of personality! I wanna watch someone play this game lol, great job!
If it’s strategy based maybe have it so that only so many could got through at once. This may be difficult to code for so many units however.
If you are building a high level abstract strategy game, it’s great, it’s an interesting visual.
If you are looking for more depth of strategy, you are probably missing an opportunity here. It looks unrealistic, and takes away the strategic element of choke points. These would either force a unit to slow down long enough to pass through and regroup, or continue the advance with a long skinny column instead of a short wide one.
One possibility for a visually quirky but more accurate crossing would be to have the unit queue up on the far side, break each row up into 4 or five blocks which flow through and reassemble in formation like tetris blocks on the other side.
I mean, it looks really cool, and this is a great way to do it if you don’t want narrow bridges to actually slow large groups down by behaving as a choke.
I have to say this kind of pulls me away from the immersion, almost looks like a bug
Kind of defeats the purpose of having a choke point.
You could but maybe the speed is reduced when they have to shrink in bridge?
Nice scenery. Trees are a little loose, might be a hazard.
Bridges were used often times to bottleneck enemy troops so that an army of 1000 could fight off the army of 100000. It should probably be coded so that each bridge has a certain width/weight limit depending on if you are adding in siege engines as well. But bridge x is a common wood bridge made in villages that handles 3 troops wide, bridge y is a reinforced wood bridge with maybe a stone base that handles 5 wide and bridge z is a massive stone bridge that can handle 7-10 troops wide. The numbers are scalable depending on what sizes you’ll be using.
If anyone wants to see more of this ridiculously wacky game I am working on then here is a [link](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1332450/Open_The_Gates/). The game isn’t ready yet but will be at some point soon!
I think when the sprites aren’t the sameit’s just gonna look messy. But it’s a neat effect you could use for something else in the game.
I’d add some collision and make it so that each echelon transitions into a single column then takes a second to reform on the other side while the next one turns into a column and advances. That’s how they often did it in those days to avoid traffic jams on bridges..
MMM easing functions. cant wait to see more
That a sine wave?
I’m interested to see what you have in mind gameplay-wise but from a visual standpoint this looks great
Only if they make noises like “oops pardon me” “everyone think thin!” “Conga line coming through!”
I would keep the idea, but fix the soldier on the edges that get cut in half
Never match step when marching over a bridge.
But for time and budgetary purposes, yes. Details make a big difference, but all the details in the world don’t matter if you can’t get the final product out the door.
Looks cool but doesn’t reflect reality.
looks good. but I think they should slow down a bit. also the line should get a bit longer, since they couldn’t cross all at the same time in a “wide formation” if you get what I mean.
Why not make the bridge wider so they don’t need to compress together so much?
Is there any strategy to crossings? Limiting the number units that can fit side-by-side will slow down movement and create choke points in a more meaningful way.
I see the deer shadowing the troops to report back.
Goddammit Bernoulli!
It doesn’t really make any sense, but yes it does look cool
Reminds me of this Civil War computer game from back in the day. You had two formations for your troops and if you picked the wrong one while crossing a bridge you’d lose units.
Hm, very good!
It looks cool, but no.
You just created a big chokepoint.
Either make the units slower or takes more time to reassemble after the bridge.
But, if you are on a tight time/budget constraint, it should do it.
I think this cool if this happen to be story time or an idle/loading screen!
Eh, yeah, it’s neat. If they don’t need to have individual collision when moving, leave it.
Also, what the guy above said about realism is a good point.
Visually that looks both unique and mesmerizing, KEEP is my opinion!
If you’re aiming for realism, don’t keep it in. If not, then keep it cause it is quite satisfying.
I kind of like it. It looks a bit like a swarm of bees at one point. It’s fairly mesmerizing. If you do keep it, amp it up stylistically though, so it’s even cooler and obvious it’s on purpose.
Can we get a showcase of a big army crossing 6-8 bridges one by one to make the formation look like a DNA strand?
“Alright everyone here comes the bridge. Deep breath, think skinny thoughts!”
Make an option for it look realistic. You get experience and satisfy both worlds.
looks like a subliminal nVidia RTX advertisement
Can you do a gif of them crossing bridges, but its like 1 bridge -> 2 bridges -> 3 bridges -> 4 bridges -> 3 -> 2 -> 1
Yes, just yes.
speed = default_speed * (bridge_width/unit_width) if touching_bridge else default_speed