Unexpected Fallout on off-brand band-aids my father brought from India
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Unexpected Fallout on off-brand band-aids my father brought from India
View Reddit by vyashole – View Source
Based India
That’s awesome.
They will come in handy when the fallout radiation kicks in!
The bandaid on the thumb is a nice touch.
Lol in Istanbul my dry cleaner used Fallout boy, you can imagine the shock i had.
Not as good as med-x but it’ll do
Adhesive First Aid Dressing would an in game description lol
I swore I read that as pimple blast.
These band aids are S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
When you don’t have enough caps to buy a stimpak
Copyright infringement band-aids are TIGHT!
Off brand of what?
I have to buy them
That’s pretty cool! I can imagine they’d have these in VaultTec medical packs!
Scrap the box for 1 cloth and 1 adhesive.
I would just buy a ridiculous case of these and then for the rest of my life I have Fallout bandaids.
Off-brand-aids, if you will
I want these.
I worked on this expedition ship in Antarctica. When I returned home I went to a grocery store and I noticed my ship on a box of some snack bars lol I took a photo because I thought it was crazy. Clearly they just used a stock photo… but still what are the odds?
Haha, yes, off brand. There’s no such thing as vault-tec and this isn’t a fucked up social experiment involving band aids.
Will cause the pain to cease and desist.
ahhhh Prime: 30% more effective on scorched limbs.
This could easily be an in-universe item
I guess those band-aids really do have a high radiation resistance!
Bethesda pretty bad when it comes to their fallout boy ownership. They don’t seem to fight it.
Still better than any of Bethesdas real merchandise, these look like they’ll actually do what they’re supposed to.
These band-aids are the product of a plaster and wound care brand called, Hansaplast, which belongs to a German company called Beiersdorf.
Hansaplast band-aids are kind of the default band-aids here in India.
Hansaplast has a mascot which looks almost like the Fallout guy.
If this was from Vault-Tec, what dark side effect would bring?
When you get your medicine skill to 50, you get access to fabric bandages.