I grew up where this sign is posted. I guess when I was a child, or maybe even before, one of the cows that graze along the canyon road fell off the cliff above and landed on the highway. It’s been a joke ever since. Caltrans has replaced the sign and someone finds a new sticker to put on after they do.
It’s a small town with a prominent FFA and I think that contributes to why the joke has gone on for so many decades.
Cow Suicide
I hate it when that happens.
that’s even more terrifying! haha
Oh those cows and their silly pranks. We see you up there, Elsie!
You’re already familiar with *ground* beef;
Try to avoid becoming familiar with sky beef
These are warnings for near by French castles.
Hopefully drivers can moove outta the way in time
Is this how the abducting aliens drop them off after? Ok Bessy time to GTFO. No wonder we can’t be friends.
Warning. Cow Tipping Zone?
This is a real sign. Until recently I lived out that way.
Steers can’t steer
Don’t worry, that’s just the holy cow. Everyone who looks up sees him falling, and as if bovine providence, they cannot help but blurt out his name.
Zen and the art of falling.
That happened up near Lake Chelan, WA and killed some people.
UFO releasing their captives
That car is an absolute unit compared to the cow.
What the hell happened here?…..
Signs exist when things have happened someway….. somehow.
Why not just put up a sign at the top warning the cows of the cliff?!
If the french insults dont deter them the cow-tapult surely will
Cows committing suicide is now a thing.
I grew up where this sign is posted. I guess when I was a child, or maybe even before, one of the cows that graze along the canyon road fell off the cliff above and landed on the highway. It’s been a joke ever since. Caltrans has replaced the sign and someone finds a new sticker to put on after they do.
It’s a small town with a prominent FFA and I think that contributes to why the joke has gone on for so many decades.
They have this sign in the window of my butcher. He only sells in bulk
Pyramids shitting cows is most definitely a hazard
“…You’ll be DEAD!”
How do you avoid this Earth Worm Jim like situation
You should never get in the car with Toonces the Driving Cat
flying cows… super hazard
I gotta go, we got cows.
I love that, realistically, this is actually, probably, the posture of a falling cow.
Steer clear of falling steer, clear?
Where’s the beef ok I found it
Something my grandpa actually did see in Croatia. A cow almost Landed on his car.