This a screenshot from my series x and holy shit man the last time I’ve seen an open world with this level of graphics and lighting was rdr2 and ghost of tsushima. Props to massive entertainment and I really hope they use the snowdrop engine for the next AC and far cry games.
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Cloth physics are hard for any dev. Weird thing to focus on.
Just look at Bloodborne’s capes.
What does cloth physics has to do with environmental art
The amount of unimportant detail that seems relevant to some people irritates the hell outta me. Are you a tailor apprentice or something?
This looks like Far Cry 6 level of graphics.
Is stairs animations right this time
I can see them using Snowdrop for Far Cry just to move on from Dunia but Anvil was literally built for AC. Don’t think they’ll stop using Anvil.
Guessing you guys don’t realize this level of graphics isn’t unique to SnowDrop…
Something-something Unreal Engine / Unity3D HDRP.
In before the idiots start claiming otherwise: shut the fuck up — I’ve been doing this professionally since before your parents started the fertility drugs. Sick and tired of your morons claiming stupid shit that makes zero sense.
This idiot disappointed by stupid cloth sim, not realizing what it takes to pull off dense foreground foliage that looks good, near fullscreen sub-surface scattering, and volumetric clouds.
Dumbasses like you should be relegated to Tiger Handheld games.
The best combat game.
Most Ubisoft games are beautiful in this way
what game is this?
>The same clowns who can’t handle cloth physics.
I’d love to see anyone who can handle cloth physics