$130 edition? Man I hate game companies nowadays. Not even close to worth it imo.
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$130 edition? Man I hate game companies nowadays. Not even close to worth it imo.
View Reddit by Chemist-Consistent – View Source
Then don’t buy it
I wouldn’t play it if they gave me $130. Ubisoft games kinda suck
Then buy the normal version??
I mean, no more so than any of their other collectors edition
It’s bullshit, yes, but it’s a known quantity where they’re concerned these days
They do this then a year from now you can get this exact bundle for $50. They usually do have a lot of DLC tbf but any bundle over $100 is nonsense.
Same ole shit and it doesn’t tempt me at all. Meanwhile Jusant was a solid experience even at 30 bucks.
Don’t buy it –
It says Ubisoft on it: means unfinished, unsupported schlock money grab!
I cannot wait to play this game for $20 or less next Black Friday.
This is standard ubisoft lol, why are you so surprised?
Errrmm just don’t buy it then! Don’t you know this is Reddit, where you’re not allowed to complain about anything ever? (except for the pre-approved circlejerks, of course)
I’m with you. It’s fucking ridiculous that $130 “ultimate edition” releases are considered acceptable
That atomic heart was something like 150 for the ultimate bullshit. There’s been a few games pushing that, which is ridiculous
The people who actually buy it are the ones buggin
To be fair, it does include the 2 DLCs that are announced to be coming out…eventually. If they are both big story expansions as expected, this price may be warranted, but since we have no real clue what the scale of those would be… ya, that’s a no from me.
“Not worth it.”
To you perhaps. To someone else, it may be.
No one is spending your money for you.
What else is new? It’s like this every release with these guys
It’s been the price of ultimate editions at Ubisoft for at least 5 years now.
in a year this will probably be 79, in two years it’ll be 50
Single player story game with season pass disgusts me
Ubisoft plus is great for this. Sure. It’s the equivalent of renting a game, but that’s perfect for Ubisoft games. I put a couple hours into this past night and it’s so far incredible on a technical and graphically. The game loop is closer to Primal compared to typical Far Cry games. So far I’m enjoying it, and my god is it pretty.
Or get Ubi Soft + for one month and you can play it there. Super good way to play new ubi games, I played Mirage day 1 on the service then canceled it once I beat it
The game no-one wanted based on the movie No-one cared about of the year award.
This is pretty standard in gaming nowadays idk what point you’re trying to make. If people wanna play it for bottom dollar they just pay the $70
For Far Cry but blue
Ubisoft plus then cancel after you finish
I remember when the $120 got you a whole ass statue or a whole ass pair of night vision goggles. Now you get some skins.
I’ve got no fomo for this game.
They can shove that price where the sun doesnt shine.
Nothing new…
Ubisoft is making this? How on Pandora did I miss that? Phew saved myself $70 bucks.
Seems pretty fair actually.
– Base Game $70
– Season Pass with 2 DLC valued at min $15/each
– Art Book $5-10
– Cosmetic Pack $10
That’s $120 and I undervalued a lot. Now one is forcing you buy any of the bundles. For context, the season pass alone is $40 retail alone.
Now me, personally… I don’t pre buy DLC since I don’t know if they are good, bad, mediocre or what. I also don’t care about the art book or the cosmetics pack but there are people that do and this isn’t all that price hungry in comparison to the micro transactions you have in Valhalla,
Waiting for the Rockstar rumored $150 GTA VI.
I don’t get why anyone even cares. I never buy the Holy Fuck Special Edition©. That shit if for fools.
I don’t know how many times I’ve seen people buy that shit then come to Reddit to complain. As if it isn’t their own choice to not look into what they’re buying.
Are you the fool that’s wants to buy it?
I’ve never once felt like I missed out by not giving the game company double the money the game is worth.
Be happy it isn’t pay per hour like gta 6 might be
You realize this targets people who have absolutely no issue (or financial constraints) spending that amount of money.
You can legit get Alan wake and rogue trader for less
Just wait
Dumb thing to get mad over. It’s the ultimate edition the price correlates with how much stuff they add. It’s an optional purchase and it’s meaningless to get mad over.
Friends don’t let friends buy Ubisoft games
Game looks generic af
Imma wait for a year when its on steam for 15 bucks with mixed reviews and no achievements + denuvo and uplay dependance.
Coming soon!
Avatar – GOTY edition!
It’s 170 in Canada
Wait until OP finds out games in the early 90s cost that much after inflation.
I wouldn’t play this garbage if they paid me to play it anyways fuck ubisofts boring ass run down dead horse of game design.
Can’t wait to play this for free in a couple weeks
Ubisoft games are never worth day one purchases lol
No they just want to drain your money till the end, don’t worry
Just want you 6 months then it will be half off.
That’s a lot of money to pay just to be disappointed