U.S. Marshalls escorting the extremely brave Ruby Bridges, 6 years old, to school in 1960. This courageous young girl is known for being the first African American child to attend an all-white elementary school in the South.
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This kid. What a munchkin. Her dress is ironed perfectly, her little Mary Janes and anklets, her bookbag, all ready to go. And the determination on her wee face!
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The ancestors of this old hags that stood in the street screaming racial epithets at her, they’re the very ones trying to ban books, the teaching of black history, hell – they’re even trying to ban people.
Yet they all think *they* are the moral backbone of the country, the ‘family values’ party. The scourge of this country.
If I remember correctly. She kept in touch with the Marshall agent.
Its really sad how far we have not gone since 1960. People need to do better smh
repost 1000000
From the Clvil rights museum in Atlanta, I learned that she sat in empty classrooms because parents pulled their white kids out; both of her parents lost their jobs for no other reason; and a relative was thrown in jail. They were all brave, and they all suffered. Sometimes history makes you want to cry.
Some of the people who screamed and cursed at her are still alive today, and they still vote. This horrible stuff was not so long ago
Tough as nails !
She paved the way but I can’t imagine the mental torture and emotional scars of having to do that. Grateful but it still makes my blood boil.
Ruby Bridges (girl pictured) is alive today. This is recent history
Now everyone runs away from schools.. smh
Portrait I did of Ruby Bridges during the pandemic.
Ruby is still alive – 68 years old.
Great man who protects her. Anyone knows how her life turned out?
It is unbelievable to know how society used to function. I am ashamed. This little girl is beautiful and she and her parents had to be so brave to allow her to go to school when they were surrounded by ignorance. I sincerely hope we do better
Love when people stand up to oppression.