Thursday, January 2All That Matters

U can do better than this


  • I don’t know man, call of duty Coldwar has a great campaign and decent multiplayer. Modern warfare 2019 is the best of both worlds. Also a lot of obsidian’s newer crpgs like tyranny are great as well

  • I really fucking hate Battle Passes. Dailies in MMOs were bad enough, and these are worse. Games shouldn’t feel like obligations. I shouldn’t feel the need to log in and do things or miss out/fall behind. Because when you do that, you just wear me out and make me want to quit entirely.

  • “Old games good, new games bad” is just as stupid an idea now as it was the last three thousand times it was posted. In my opinion, the 8th Generation and early 9th Generation have been the best era of video games even through the pandemic.

    I feel like this post only applies if you exclusively play Call of Duty, which it sounds like you do given how you worded it.

  • GUYS THIS A JOKE POST BUT I am only talking about like Fortnite and stuff elden ring and all those other 2022 games have been great plz DONT take this post seriously🙃

  • I remember when I was a kid I could play a fighting game and it was an incentive to play the game with every character because I was rewarded with unlocking their counterpart or another character that I could then use to unlock another part of the story.

    Now if there even is a story I can just buy season passes or dlc characters which is cool but then there’s no real sense of satisfaction.

    I liked playing my game to unlock things whether it was playable characters, costumes, or other cosmetics that gave you bonuses.

    It made it more fun and games had replav value.

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