Two officers of the German Schutztruppen riding a couple of Zebras through a town in German East Africa, 1911
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Two officers of the German Schutztruppen riding a couple of Zebras through a town in German East Africa, 1911
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I think they were the baddies.
Did they actually use zebras as mounts for combat, or is this just a publicity thing?
I’ve been around both due to my parent’s farm, and a horse is larger, faster, and can hold quite a bit more weight.. Seems like shipping horses to Africa would be better for equipping troops.
I’m not sure I could stop myself from riding a zebra if I had the opportunity.
How do y’all English speakers pronounce Zebra?
1. Z(eh)bra
2. Z(ee)bra
Hmm, this must have been quite the stunt. Zebras have an extremely developed fight or flight response. They don’t have a typical pack hierarchy, are easily aggravated, and prone to aggression, so they are not considered an animal that can be domesticated, let alone saddled and ridden.