I don’t like very large TVs, especially in small places like condos. I don’t know what to look at when they’re large and close. I look left and right like it’s a tennis match.
I bought a 48 inch LG C1 OLED about a year ago. Everyone tried to convince me it was too small, and that I should splurge for the 55 inch at least. But I just don’t watch *that* much TV, I don’t want my TV to be the centerpiece of my living space, and when I was growing up 25 years ago a 48 inch TV would have been huge. I haven’t regretted it for more than a few seconds in the months since.
More stupidity at [We’re Out of Cornflakes](https://wereoutofcornflakes.com)
I don’t like very large TVs, especially in small places like condos. I don’t know what to look at when they’re large and close. I look left and right like it’s a tennis match.
And the costs are now 1/1000 as the tv size explodes
I bought a 48 inch LG C1 OLED about a year ago. Everyone tried to convince me it was too small, and that I should splurge for the 55 inch at least. But I just don’t watch *that* much TV, I don’t want my TV to be the centerpiece of my living space, and when I was growing up 25 years ago a 48 inch TV would have been huge. I haven’t regretted it for more than a few seconds in the months since.
Funny part is, there ain’t shit to watch on TV
what’s this boomer shit
edit: lmaoooo op blocked me for this comment
edit 2 for the guy below me: “I’m gonna bitch and whine about how I hate all the bitching and whining so much”
edit 3: guy below me is big mad
All four televisions weigh the same.
Is that blazing saddles on the second tv?
Last panel is definitely Frank’s 2000 inch TV.
Where funny?