Took my love for Clustertruck and Duke Nukem and spent 12 month making the most epic boomer shooter called Meatgrinder! What do you think?
Took my love for Clustertruck and Duke Nukem and spent 12 month making the most epic boomer shooter called Meatgrinder! What do you think? from gaming
View Reddit by dreizer880 – View Source
i would spend so many hours on this
This looks amazing! Great job!
That’s fucking sick. Shit needs to be released
This deadass looks like if Doom and Clustertruck had a baby.
Where can I play this???
This would also make an insane movie premise, like Mad Max on extreme mode.
Most of these “hey guys check out my game” posts are lame and the games usually look half-assed.
But this one…this one I want to play. Looks awesome.
Not really a “boomer shooter” but it does look fun
“Witness me” achievement plz
Is there gonna be any movement tech to make flashy plays or move around faster and or easier in the full release(bhopping, backward recoil boosts, grenade boosts, airstrafing, etc) because having any of those I think would add a lot of replay ability and depth to the gameplay
Makes me think of the expressway scene from the Matrix Reloaded
Please let me know once it’s out for newest gen of systems im on Xbox man and I would love to play this it looks sick man
That’s like the stupid mobile zombie games suddenly get a cool cousin!
This looks awesome! Is that an air dash you use between vehicles? It’s the only part that seems a little janky
That looks waaaaay more fun that cluster truck!
Initially I thought I was seeing the sequel to Hardcore Henry
What a wonderful idea! Adding it to my wishlist, and good luck finishing the game!
I thought ultrakill was fast
i hadnt seen shite yet
mad max fury road sequel looking lit af 🔥🔥🔥
Yo, pick one art style and stick with it. This looks like you took 20 different ones and just threw them together. I just assume it’s premade assets.
Serious Sam vibes
Beating the game should unlock a grappling hook
Looks buggy as hell. I’d play it.
Looks difficult as all hell but a very interesting concept
It looks like it would really fit levels that replicate famous scenes from movies, like Mad Max and The Matrix Reloaded.
This looks awesome and I’ll definitely greenlight it. Weirdest nitpick that I have though. Can you select characters? Since you’re inspired by Duke Nukem/Doom/Serious Sam and retro shooters, I think it’d be fun to be able to select super skinny to super beefy characters and anything inbetween.
Looks sort of like serious sam
Reminds me of serious sam mixed with pursuit force for the psp.
Id love to see a train level (cuz trains are cool)
For saying “boomer shooter”, I hope it fails..
..just kidding. 🤨Or am i?
Downloaded the demo. Literally couldn’t get past the starting screen. Only thing that worked are WASD, arrows, and the escape key.
Sounds like a cool multiplayer concept too. Can you imagine shooting cars from under players before they land!
Going to try this out right after work!!!
You should have stayed in the college
Ok, so.
Hear me out.
Find someone who does doom style metal.
Buy their songs for the soundtrack and I swear to god, I will get high and play this until someone physically takes my computer away.
How much of this is premade assets you just stitched together?
Doesn’t catch my interest one bit and the gameplay looks like something out of console from 15 years ago.
Zoomer shooter
These posts should be banned. They are just advertisements disguised as “look at what I did!”
I’m afraid to ask, but what is a “boomer shooter”?
I wish these posts were banned.
I downloaded and can’t seem to get it to work. I can’t click “Play” with mouse or gamepad.
I think this looks like every other shitty indie game people market here.
Seriously I can hardly tell them apart at this point.
What’s a boomer shooter?
Boomer Shooter is a dumb name. Boomers were too old by the time shooters came around. Gen X shooters maybe.
100000000% needs a slow motion bar that charges up with meat shots
All of it looks damn epic.
But on another subject, I never understood the term ‘boomer shooter’ for 90’s styled fps games. Shouldn’t it be ‘millennial shooter’?
Why do you use such an stupid term? It’s an FPS, classic if you want, doom clone it you want to go old school, “boomer shooter” is such an uneeded definition
I was thinking it looked more Serious Sam than Duke Nukem, but really want to play it.
“Like clustertruck but with guns” -IGN
I thought you said 12 HOURS. I was like, damn! They must be incredible to just on a whim throw together a game that looks this good.
Still incredibly impressive in 12 months, great work!