Wait he had straight hair? I always thought it was strange that he had very curly hair, it seemed, in Bossom Buddies, Splash and Big and those 80s comedies but suddenly had straight hair in Da Vinci Code. Now I guess he always had straight hair. Thanks for the pic
He looks charismatic even at that age.
Ok, *now* I get the casting for Big.
I bet he wanted to be big.
I wish I were 10 in 66
Dead ringer for Tom Hanks
This looks like a Norman Rockwell
Looks like Jay Baruchel
Your mama sure does love you.
This looks like AI art
That’s a lotta forehead
Wait he had straight hair? I always thought it was strange that he had very curly hair, it seemed, in Bossom Buddies, Splash and Big and those 80s comedies but suddenly had straight hair in Da Vinci Code. Now I guess he always had straight hair. Thanks for the pic
I’m imagining the scene where kid Forrest mimics the noises of his teacher…
America’s little boy, Hanksy
He looks like Tom Hanks.
He looks like sydney sweeney’s little brother

What a great picture
Looks like a little twat
Put a cowboy hat on and that’s Woody.
My nibba still looking wholesome!
Shame this boy had to go to war and change forever

His head was a lot taller when he was young.
Looks like a Stephen King character
He looks like the funniest kid on the block that everyone wants as a friend!
I think this is what he’s into these days
That means he was, what, around 37 when Forrest Gump was being filmed? I always assumed he was in like his late 20s at that point.
Weird, im literally watching Forrest Gump right now and opening this post. Lol
he went from this to a pedo?
Here he looks like the perfect American.
Funny. Once he was 30, he liked them 10 again.
His smile is so kind. What a beautiful boy 🥰💙
fracking IA has invaded reddit
Tom Hanks turned out to be a pedophile. His name is on the Epstein list