Saw her in concert in ‘84 as opening act for Lionel Ritchie and she was absolute magic! So dynamic and her energy was infectious. One of my favorite concert performances.
People can say what they want about Ike but the man was a genius and is a very important figure in music of the last 60 years, a true pioneer of the rock and roll era
I had two encounters with Ike Turner when I lived in Carlsbad, CA. First was in 1996, when he came into the Price Club I was working at. He had a lady on each arm, and was asking everyone if they wanted an autographed headshot. I remember everyone looking at him like he was insane. Crazy to see someone like that still riding on such old cred and with a reputation for being violently abusive.
Damn she was good !
So cool
What performance is this taken from? Not got this one in my collection 🤔
The woman hasn’t slowed down yet!!
Saw her in concert in ‘84 as opening act for Lionel Ritchie and she was absolute magic! So dynamic and her energy was infectious. One of my favorite concert performances.
Hot. Damn.
Brilliant. Love their energy!
My boy Laurence Fishburne play and looked the role of Ike Turner perfectly
This is one of the best videos of her preforming this ever.
This before or after Ike?
Holy cocaine, Batman!
You know who never needed to lip sync their TV performances?
Ike and Tina Turner, that’s who! Pure, Sonic, High Voltage Rock!
Great! But, the slow bluesy intro on the studio recording really makes it for me. Ikes baritone is perfect.
I’m pretty sure I heard the Ike and Tina Turner version before CCR’s original.
People can say what they want about Ike but the man was a genius and is a very important figure in music of the last 60 years, a true pioneer of the rock and roll era
I believe one of the singer/dancers is Claudia Lennear, the inspiration for The Rolling Stones song Brown Sugar
I had two encounters with Ike Turner when I lived in Carlsbad, CA. First was in 1996, when he came into the Price Club I was working at. He had a lady on each arm, and was asking everyone if they wanted an autographed headshot. I remember everyone looking at him like he was insane. Crazy to see someone like that still riding on such old cred and with a reputation for being violently abusive.
CCR best version ever!
My favorite part is the drummer’s fabulous pompadour.
She’s incredible, and Ike is a piece of shit.
Ike was reportedly an absolute A-hole, a substance- & spousal abuser, but the man clearly knew how to manage a band & put on a show!
Is that Ike?
Fuck him
One of the greatest guitarist in history. Huge pos too.
That one little blonde white guy on sax doing his best to fit in…
Drummer’s hair on point
Who is on bass?
Damn she was hot…in every sense of the word
those legs!
All time classic. If you can’t appreciate this, I doubt your humanity. I do prefer the slow intro version with the narrative.
What a sexy peice of chocolate.

Jeez, imagine American culture without black people.
Anna Mae Bullock, Swiss citizen
i see a lot of beyonce in this! so cool how shows develope and artists borrow from each other or get inspired.
This makes me feel so lazy
John fogerty does it better
Not just Old School Cool, but Old School Cooler.