December 7, 2023 by Zealousideal-Pay3937 [ad_1] Timelapse: Building a big Cruise Ship [ad_2] View Reddit by Zealousideal-Pay3937 – View Source
If I could go back in life and do it again I would become an engineer. They have the coolest job. Really impressive to see the building of such a massive ship in 7 minutes. December 7, 2023 at 8:47 pm Reply
Here you will find detailed documentation – unfortunately in German. But definitely still interesting to skip through! December 7, 2023 at 9:25 pm Reply
We all like to hate on the next cruise ship, (cause they are an awful purpose) but you can’t deny the amazing engineering that goes into it.. December 8, 2023 at 12:03 am Reply
Wait a minute…how does the little boat get out of the dock at 2:34… edit: AND the throw the boat a rager at 6:16, that’s pretty awesome (these things must be horrible for the environment though) December 8, 2023 at 12:57 am Reply
If I could go back in life and do it again I would become an engineer. They have the coolest job. Really impressive to see the building of such a massive ship in 7 minutes.
Here you will find detailed documentation – unfortunately in German. But definitely still interesting to skip through!
I’ll never get over how insanely gigantic these cruise ships are.
We all like to hate on the next cruise ship, (cause they are an awful purpose) but you can’t deny the amazing engineering that goes into it..
how does the tug boat get out at 2:34?!
Wait a minute…how does the little boat get out of the dock at 2:34…
edit: AND the throw the boat a rager at 6:16, that’s pretty awesome (these things must be horrible for the environment though)