My father passed away in March this year. He was most proud of the time he spent serving on the USS Richmond K. Turner (CG-20). He served three tours in Vietnam 2 tours onboard and one tour in country but attached to the CG-20. His buddy Zeke snapped this picture as my dad climbed out of the fantail hatch that leads to the boiler rooms.
My father passed away in March this year. He was most proud of the time he spent serving on the USS Richmond K. Turner (CG-20). He served three tours in Vietnam 2 tours onboard and one tour in country but attached to the CG-20. His buddy Zeke snapped this picture as my dad climbed out of the fantail hatch that leads to the boiler rooms.
He could run for office with that pic.
Damn. This picture made want to start saying the Pledge of Allegiance
Why do you think it’s ridiculous?