This pillar in Cheesecake Factory looks like Sauron.
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This pillar in Cheesecake Factory looks like Sauron.
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Cheesecake Factory confirmed an organization of Darkness.
This has been killing me for years. They’re everywhere in Cheesecakes factory restaurants.
Me: I’m not really hungry today.
Staff: You shall not fast!
it struck me as vaguely camel-y.
Cheesecake Factory has the most hideous decor I have ever seen. It’s like a compendium of the worst ideas from the 1990s.
Who says Sauron isn’t into cheese
I’ve thought the same thing
I’ve only seen this in the winter park FL location though not in other ones
The fettuccini alfredo was really heavy and you really aren’t…
*the eye glows*
… the Reese’s Peanut Butter Cheesecake looks so good tho.
And yet you felt drawn to enter…
Ugh I hate those new palantir menus, just give me a paper menu
The innie shall guide you.
One cheesecake to unite them all
And in the fatness bind them….
I’ve always thought this too. Awesome.
Just the pillar?
The Cheesecake Factory essentially grew out of a Los Angeles bakery business. Then, in 1992, they brought on hospitality designer Rick McCormack and shit went off the rails
greco-roman cornices, seashells above the pseudo-arched doors, topped with a dome airlifted from fucking st. basil’s
The interior is a world of aesthetic chaos that feels like a mix between a Fry’s Electronics, an overgrown Panera, and a laser tag arena. It’s /sensational/.
Palm trees sit aside 2000’s-chic glass lighting fixtures, French limestone floors, mosaics, fresco-like murals…
Pseudo-Egyptian faces top columns with hybrid palm frond/lotus blossom designs and pseudo-heiroglyphics. It’s unchecked white exoticism/orientalism run amok w a huge budget. Some elements like the face’s “third eye” and the Sauron-like sconces borderline on occult flavor.
There is nothing more quintessentially “American capitalism” in flavor than The Cheesecake Factory
Wealth run wild. Chaotic visual fantasies realized w no aesthetic discipline. An obsession with appearance of luxury. Gross excess that excels at feigning its quality
It feels like a relic of another era, one where such a vision was sold to the American public as a utopian concept. It, like the brief period of neoliberalistic prosperity that made it possible, is a fever dream made manifest. Enjoy it while you can.
Very clearly intentional imo.