This picture is not photoshopped: view flying out of Las Vegas
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This picture is not photoshopped: view flying out of Las Vegas
View Reddit by 707Flyer – View Source
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I kind of wish the sphere would occasionally flip off departing traffic.
The face you make when losing $100mil
Does the sphere usually look THAT goofy?
It reminds me of Miss Minutes from Loki
Looks like the amazing world of gumball
Is that Mr Frundles? Oh shit…
It’s judging the golfers on the course.
It should overuse the crying laughing emoticon like everyone else on the planet
I bet this thing haunts peoples dreams who live near by
The sphere rules. I’d love to see Primus in there
I didn’t realize the Battlebots arena was that close to the Sphere..
***”Shit. Why didn’t we do that first, guys? Shit…”*** – Dubai, every hour
It’s looking at the golf course there too. Imagine teeing off with that big face mocking you.
That thing is so cool! I hope to see it some day ( would love if they offered a behind the scenes on the tech and what not)
We have come so far, now we can make a city do an emoji lol
Somebody please make it into a jigglypuff
Great picture man, felt like I got to explore Vegas without going there. Looks like a place where people simultaneously ruin their lives and also have the best time of their lives.
i think the giant emoji sphere is cute
Looks like somebody’s sim city. Mostly normal looking city but then you throw in a huge ferris wheel and emoji sphere to raise recreation stats
Hopefully they keep it on for the f1
I see parts of the F1 track from here
My wife and I rented a convertible and drove to/around it. I honestly dont know how they will choose a winner when every F1 car wrecks in the same spot. Lol That thing was so cool
They should program it to make prolonged, uncomfortable eye contact with departing planes.
The future is … weird.
That sphere look so out of place 🤣
Now make it a giant kirby

I honestly love the sphere. I know it’s often seen as dystopian, but I feel like it’s the the exact type of futurism you’d see in a 1980s film that’d make you laugh at how exuberantly silly it is.