This is obviously a mobile game, Marvel Strike Force, made by a company worse than EA… Scopely.
This pop up has had me almost buy this trash several times. Max level is 95… and they’re asking for $100 to make some crap teams I haven’t needed level 80? There are several more for lower levels too.
What would you do if your favorite game added something like this for the same price that always pops up when you log on? And how do we stop companies like this?
I hate this kind of post, it shows how narrow-minded some people are about the video game industry
While this kind of game definitely isn’t my jam there are tens of thousands indie games coming each year, dozens AAA games, hundreds AA games, thousands of promo sales, and offer such as Game Pass
The video game have never been better, there is so much choice and everything is avalaible for very cheap, the big AAAA ips nowadays cost less day one that the average garbage in the 90s
The reality is that there are bad and good examples of literrally any type of game and economic system
That’s why I hate this doomposts saying “look at the future of video games we all gonna be paying hundreds of bucks for non sensical skins, lootboxes and pay 2 win mechanics”, it’s so far from the reality, you should take more time looking for good games and less times bitching about a Marvel mobile game
This is obviously a mobile game, Marvel Strike Force, made by a company worse than EA… Scopely.
This pop up has had me almost buy this trash several times. Max level is 95… and they’re asking for $100 to make some crap teams I haven’t needed level 80? There are several more for lower levels too.
What would you do if your favorite game added something like this for the same price that always pops up when you log on? And how do we stop companies like this?
I’d quit and spend my money elsewhere
Ah yes, the no budget horror indie interactive novel you can buy for 5€ will definitely have microtransactions
Of course it isn’t
Or just don’t pay
I hate this kind of post, it shows how narrow-minded some people are about the video game industry
While this kind of game definitely isn’t my jam there are tens of thousands indie games coming each year, dozens AAA games, hundreds AA games, thousands of promo sales, and offer such as Game Pass
The video game have never been better, there is so much choice and everything is avalaible for very cheap, the big AAAA ips nowadays cost less day one that the average garbage in the 90s
The reality is that there are bad and good examples of literrally any type of game and economic system
That’s why I hate this doomposts saying “look at the future of video games we all gonna be paying hundreds of bucks for non sensical skins, lootboxes and pay 2 win mechanics”, it’s so far from the reality, you should take more time looking for good games and less times bitching about a Marvel mobile game
Your first mistake was expecting a mobile game to be good. The mobile gaming business model is already too far gone. Don’t buy into it.
These sort of things have been around for a while… And not much have changed really.
This was the future 20 years ago, bro. The future is now. Must be new to games…
Only if it works
If I’m not mistaken this is Snap’d or whatever the mobile game is. You’re hard pressed to find many mobile games that don’t have micro transactions.
Not all games! ROCK AND STONE!!!
All marvel mobile games are p2w (Or p2fast if you dont want to call it p2w since you can play 5 years to have what $100 can buy)