This keeps getting removed from r/halo but I found some artifacts in my childhood closet
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This keeps getting removed from r/halo but I found some artifacts in my childhood closet
View Reddit by sammygunns1 – View Source
You should put garbage In the garbage can. Not in your closet. Gross
Yeah r/halo can fuck off. That’s dope tho dude
they put master chief in the soder
It should be removed from here too. Throw your trash in the garbage 🙄
I can’t judge, I have a full set of Star Wars Episode 1 cans from 1999, besides the golden Yoda can or else I would have been rich 😅
Fill it up with Baja blast
Dey pud d mdur chef in da sodr
Halo gamer fuel was the best.
This is called ‘rubbish’ and belongs in the bin.
EDIT: The practice of keeping rubbish is called ‘hoarding’, and people who engage in this practice are called ‘hoarders’. They usually wind up on television shows like 60 minutes presented as neighbourhood menaces. Downvote me and collect rubbish all you want. There are plenty of things out there with halo labels on them that are more suitable for collecting than empty soft-drink containers.
This is so dope.
To all of the guys who say oh throw it away its just trash. Simply put No it isn’t. It has value to the person because he had it in his childhood. And damn those are cool!! I collect cool cans and stuff too
Great drink!
Do they still make gamer fuel? Havent seen it in awhile. Last one I recall was the battlefield 1 promotion
I miss original Game Fuel. The only Mountain Dew I liked to drink.
/r/halo needs to make more room for complaining about literally fucking everything.
Dude, the Halo 3 Game Fuel was amazing. I remember when I was a teen and I was staying at my friend’s house, his mom bought him and I a 12 pack and we sat and played the Halo 3 campaign all night.
Make a GB out of it bro
Oh look an empty soda bottle and can. Wow.
Dey pumtt de mamsftr cheif in de sodee
Was it hard to wash out the old piss?
Pretty sure the gamefuel is why I have heart problems in my early thirties.
I have an unopened can I got way back when. Had it chilled for ever with it’s last surviving buddy. Till one day my brother got thirsty and drank one of em -_-
So now Ive got only one and the soda ate through the protective lining inside the can and leaked. Good times lol
Not surprised that r/halo deleted this. All they want to do on that sub is complain and bully the devs and community managers.
Tuesday, September 25th, 2007. What a glorious day.
It probably keeps getting removed because the post didn’t have any complaining about halo infinite.
They seriously advertised this game EVERYWHERE! Still remember the ad campaign to this day.
Day putd da mamster chef in da sodr
My can of GameFuel exploded in my bedroom and ruined all my first edition hard cover Harry Potter books. Childhood double ruined.
Halo mods stinky
Why tf they remove sht like this? This is actually cool
Post this over at r/mountaindew and they will queef themselves
Halo 3 will forever be my favorite game launch. So much joy and nostalgia in waiting for that game and playing it when it released. Got my legendary edition still with me.
my ex had a case in her living room and the cans leaked over time, ate through the can, cardboard box and went into the hardwood floor. dunno what the fuck was in game fuel but that shit must have been highly corrosive.
Imagine the official Halo sub not wanting to see this lol
I look back on that summer fondly.
I always knew, that master chief was in the closet
Htye ptu da mamfster chfie in der soder
I’d rather see this or cool/funny gameplay than the fourteenth daily post complaining about Infinite
I have a can of Halo 3 gamer fuel that was full up until about two years ago when the contents somehow seeped through the aluminum.
Djey boot majder cheibb in the soder