Hey mate watch out! I don’t know what type of birds they are but since they are birds they are probably curious and they have sharp beaks so watch out and make sure they don’t bite down to hard on the cable
When I was a kid I used to own a budgie that was the tamest thing ever..
But for some weird reason every time I played PlayStation he would climb up the chord like this then bite and attack the fuck out of my fingers whilst I was mid game haha it’s the only time he would bite bite me and I have no idea why lol
This unlocked a memory for me. My brother playing SNES on the top bunk. My lovebird slowly climbs the cord, then hops on his controller, then his hands, up his arms and on his face. My brother says “hey silly bird what are you do”..SPLAT – bird shit in his mouth.
Under that aspect I would play wired too
Like a bird on a wire 🎶
You, sir, have an excellent point.
This new Angry Birds looks scarily realistic.
The drones are attempting a recharge
Hey mate watch out! I don’t know what type of birds they are but since they are birds they are probably curious and they have sharp beaks so watch out and make sure they don’t bite down to hard on the cable
them some nice birbs 🙂
here sir, let me play it for you
*Oh so it was your BIRD talkin shit huh?*
They are so lovely 🥰
Do you want finches? Because that’s how you get finches.
Birbos 😀
Just wait for gamer rage after losing
Those birds will help you play.
VR finally getting good
Step 1: get birbs
Controller debugging
Put the controller in a phone charger and have it beside you in the wall instead.
Hey, buddy. Whatchya doin’? Boss fight?
Back in the ps2 era my parrot used to walk around the room and chew on the wire
I lost two controllers to that innocent bird
Just don’t finch
Are those finches? I heard they are pretty difficult to look after! Like they scare easily and die easily? Is that true?
Mostly asking because I’ve found these zebra finches and I would’ve loved to care for them. (Already have a parrot so I know birds take a lot of care)
Looks like birdie wanted to give some tips lol
Can’t argue with that.
Hmm yes, you’ve convinced me.
Also, you must construct additional pylons.
PS5 is so immersive, I want this feature.
I like the bird doing shimmy shammy
So cute! I wish my cats behaved as well around wires as your birbs
When I was a kid I used to own a budgie that was the tamest thing ever..
But for some weird reason every time I played PlayStation he would climb up the chord like this then bite and attack the fuck out of my fingers whilst I was mid game haha it’s the only time he would bite bite me and I have no idea why lol
This unlocked a memory for me. My brother playing SNES on the top bunk. My lovebird slowly climbs the cord, then hops on his controller, then his hands, up his arms and on his face. My brother says “hey silly bird what are you do”..SPLAT – bird shit in his mouth.
I miss that bird.
Oh you’re live tweeting your game?
Birds of a feather.
And then you have to recharge the flashlight in uncharted.
I been holding this damn wired controller for 7 hours now and not a single damn bird has appeared to shimmy its way up…
I don’t know how much longer I can wait, I haven’t eaten in hours..
Getting tweets while gaming? This is why i leave my phone in the other room.
Swiggity swooty I’m coming for that call of duty
Moral support, i dont see how you can get sad by losing
Plus it keeps all their poop constrained to a line on the floor rather than randomly everywhere else!
I specialize in Bird Law
Damit playstation has a feature xbox dont
I was hoping he was gonna press one of the buttons
“Hold on, I’m gonna put my bird on the mic”
How do you keep the birds from shitting every 15 mins? Had that issue with tiels.
Its all fun and game until a macaw joins in the fun.
wired birb
My cat sees it as a challenge
Wow I didn’t know that the wired controllers came with birds! They need to market that on the packaging better!
The other bird in the background
“Jim! Jim you’ve blown our cover! JIMM!”