All sharks go for the beard first giving a man time to fight or flee. The longer the beard, the greater the chance to survive shark attacks. Evolution is amazing.
At my work we do annual respirator fit tests. This means that once a year all these hicks must shave their beard. You quickly see why these guys have them.
Haha that reminds me. I had shaved my beard off for my job because it was very impractical. Multiple people told me with a serprised voice that I have a good jaw line. I was prety confused each time but figured they must have thought that was the reason when I just simply like a beard.
When I first got together with my girlfriend I had a fairly decent beard and she said ” beards are always a worry…you never know what’s under there”
By this point I’d half forgot what my chin looked like. Thankfully when I eventually shaved she preferred it. It’s easy to forget life before the beard
Lmao cryin 😂
All sharks go for the beard first giving a man time to fight or flee. The longer the beard, the greater the chance to survive shark attacks. Evolution is amazing.
He’s got more of a chin than Andrew Tate
As a bearded dude that has a decent chin, my chin looks like this to me after I shave. Takes weeks for the mental view of myself to go back to normal.
So now I’m about 4 months into my “yeard”.
That’s a weak chin no doubt about it
It’s a dork fish
[Nobody linked this yet?](
Great White Sleep Apnea
Poor guy is in bad need of orthognathic surgery
Phteven the Shark
Unfortunately for him no beard can hide Andrew Tate’s lack of a chin
That shark is a low voltage guy
Sha sha shooey
I have no lips so that’s why I have one. And it’s not a great one either
I thought it was to keep snackies in
Looks like he’s biting his lip. Mm mmm, think unsexy thoughts, Lionel Hutz.
Andrew Tate?
False. I have a good chin. I grow a beard because I’m *lazy.*
**Is that Andrew Tate’s mugshot?!?**
At my work we do annual respirator fit tests. This means that once a year all these hicks must shave their beard. You quickly see why these guys have them.
Haha that reminds me. I had shaved my beard off for my job because it was very impractical. Multiple people told me with a serprised voice that I have a good jaw line. I was prety confused each time but figured they must have thought that was the reason when I just simply like a beard.
Ah yes, because we are fish.
Now I want to see a bearded great white !! Photoshop gurus pls make it happen 🙏
Definitly some girls should glue a beard.
i’m a FfFark !
From the front looks kinda cute but from the side he looks like a numbskull
I feel attacked…
im a shafk
Shark king’s gonna shark
I feel attacked lol
Heck of an overbite on that guy.
Mine is the exact opposite. Chin too big
When I first got together with my girlfriend I had a fairly decent beard and she said ” beards are always a worry…you never know what’s under there”
By this point I’d half forgot what my chin looked like. Thankfully when I eventually shaved she preferred it. It’s easy to forget life before the beard
Someone needs to photoshop a beard and mustache on this bad boy.