This is my third flash sheet of tattoo designs and they’re just getting weirder and weirder
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This is my third flash sheet of tattoo designs and they’re just getting weirder and weirder
View Reddit by daveclampart – View Source
The flamingos are excellent
My comorbid adhd and anxiety really relates to ‘Did someone order a bucket of ants?’
These are awesome, do you have a link to your art?
All these are hilarious and I would love any of these on my body lol.
i think they r neat
I pick “cockeye” please
I would 100%, unironically and excitedly get a FRAAAAAAAG tattoo
and…..ok, most of them
new year … new me
that skelly is Buddhist
The bowling ball
the paper plane dropping bombs is a sick one
I really dig the paper airplane on a bombing run!
I would definitely get a couple of these tattooed on me.
I’m currently (in my 30s) finally being taken seriously and tested for celiac disease, if it turns out I am in-fact a gluten intolerant mess, the bread jail one is perfect to celebrate the removal of deliciousness from my life 😂
Bowling ball chasing bowling pin is the only option.
LOL at the tunnel one ))))
New Year New Me is so good
I think you can get weirder
Just my lowly opinion but your art is getting better.
Your best one yet. Though I’m old school. I see this as wrapping paper, or a funky design for plates or mugs. They’re really good!
I really want you to design t-shirts because your designs would be excellent for that as well!
Love these! Stay weird!
I’ve seen the last few posts, If you considered or already do offer some of these as decal or multi surface style stickers I’d be all over it. Love the “still watching ?” Crystal ball.
How crazy! I was *just* thinking of your “I saw the light” angler fish from your last post and then scrolled past this one.
I have never considered a tattoo more than your designs! I don’t even have any tattoos.
Hahaha, omg I love these so much !!
ok but the fucking LOL island is SENDING ME
Love all the flash sheets- hilarious!
They are all just absolutely brilliant and relatable. I love the flamingos.
omg I love all of them
I smiled at the desert island LOL and the crystal ball “still watching?”. Little subtle twists. Very clever.
Big fan of half a dead fish
Love love love your style! You could start a print on demand type of shop, so people could print on any products they like and all you have to do is create your doodle 🙂
id happily get 70% of these
‘If you read this, then I am already dead’ on a pic of Lincoln got me.
I love the ‘New year – new me’ one!
I would totally get the mud one omg
There’s not enough weird randomness in this world, I’d get the ant one in a heartbeat.
I love the direction your art style is taking. Honestly is has a really neat notebook comic vibe. Started following your IG and I have to say I would recommend to everyone to do the same.
I enjoyed all of these, but the crystal ball was the one that actually made me laugh out loud for some reason. Seriously considering that for my next tattoo.
LOL Island is pretty fun
I want that “new year, new me” SO bad.
love your style!