This is how the Texas School for the Deaf’s Football team does their snap count
This is how the Texas School for the Deaf’s Football team does their snap count from sports
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This is how the Texas School for the Deaf’s Football team does their snap count
This is how the Texas School for the Deaf’s Football team does their snap count from sports
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That is SO cool. What a great way to communicate to them!
something something Houston Astros
I love this ingenious solution.
I bet they’re really good at calling plays from the sidelines also. Effecient.
Definitely helps that they’re playing the School for the blind.
Any idea what they do for the whistle?
I’m confused. How do they hear this?
do they hear the drum? or feel it?
We played against a school for the deaf in North Carolina. I’m not sure how they managed their snap, but they never jumped offsides. They also didn’t stop hitting you until you were on the ground. One of the toughest games I remember playing.
I really hope their mascot is the Leopards.
The small high school I went to used to play them in a couple sports they would always rock our football team and had some really good XC runners
The huddle was invented by players at Gualladet University, a college for the deaf in Washington, DC, so deaf players on the other team couldn’t see their signs.
Gaulladet once played a team of college all stars, and because their opponents were deaf, the all stars shouted out their plays at the line of scrimmage rather than huddle.
The gaulladet players could lip read and knew every play before it was coming. They blanked the all stars.
Gallaudet football invented the huddle so the other team couldn’t read their ASL as the QB explained the play.
IIRC: baseball signals now used by umpires originated for the sake of helping a deaf player…
When I was in high school we played the school for the deaf in basketball. We got WORKED.
I watched it without sound to get the real experience
That’s a lot of force on a bass drum head.
Never played one with a bat before.
They played Texas A&M once. Not even joking. Lost 49-0.
I played against them in high school. They were very disconcerting to play against. As a defender, there were no cues as to when they would snap the ball. They don’t always use the drum. Sometimes it would just be a true silent count. Luckily we won but they were a decent team, very well coached.
State Champion Texas School for the Deaf.
Good God, how does he miss that tackle?! He’s got his arms wrapped around him and the ball carrier just runs out. Tackler looks like he just gave up! Infuriating to watch, but I’m sure it was an incredibly difficult play and he just made it look easy.
I guess the fans are just cheering for themselves
I muted the audio to get the full effect
I’m just here to talk about that dohshit attempt at tackling
Not to distract from the drum but can we focus on how bad of a tackle attempt that was by #10
I played against a deaf team in high school. They used the same drum method for their snap count. They were some tough fuckin kids and definitely played long through the whistle. Their d line also screamed like maniacs the entire game, which as a QB is terrifying.
What a shitty tackle.
Do they feel the pressure or vibration from the drum?
Reminds me of deaf people sections at Grateful Dead concerts where they would all hold/hug big balloons to feel the music.
TIL the Houston Astros players are all alumni of the Texas School for the Deaf
[Texas School For The Deaf – Football Documentary ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QC1oOv8qfLY&t=0s)
Here’s a 17 minute doc about it. I think this is one I saw at a film festival a few years back and probably where the footage is from.
These little dudes live on a nice campus right in the heart of Austin. My nephew’s class of 2001 had many great athletes. He enjoyed being there a ton and often would sleep in the dorms rather than home Very solid group of young adults
What a weak attempt of a tackle by 10
Why did that one guy let him go? Did he hear a whistle??
Have wrestled and played football against deaf and blind kids, wrestling is far easier to stop due to touch, throwing your hands up at the whistle with giant dudes barring down on you is not an easy action in the moment. Late hits happen, but will say some of the nicest kids I have had the pleasure of competing against.
You could totally get the other team with a fake snap count doing this, not all that different than hearing people really. Just have the guy hit the drum a few times randomly and all the deafs agree to go on 3 or 2 or whatever.