Saturday, September 28All That Matters

This is apparently a new photo of notorious Old West outlaw Billy the Kid in 1875.

This is apparently a new photo of notorious Old West outlaw Billy the Kid in 1875.

This is apparently a new photo of notorious Old West outlaw Billy the Kid in 1875.

This is apparently a new photo of notorious Old West outlaw Billy the Kid in 1875.
byu/HangmanFeedsDeJackal inOldSchoolCool

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  • Harbor_Barber

    damn that’s interesting, it’s kinda cool how they keep finding new pics of billy the kid. Just a few years ago they found a pic of him standing in front of a house playing croquet with some friends.

  • seafoamjellyfish

    i have been told before in his most famous photo that is confirmed to be him, he was supposedly as drunk as a lizard or was on drugs and roughed up a bit. hence why he looked the way he did. i just thought he was always a sight for sore eyes. if this new photo is really him, that’s really surprising. he was sort of… handsome?

  • Ok-Blacksmith-9390

    Few people come with the mysteriousness and general bad ass super legend of this guy. Never not been interested in any/everything Billy The Kid related.

  • stinking_badgers

    This photo looks way more like the more famous photo than others I’ve seen. Those tiny little eyes, the rodent like features, all match up.

  • yojoewaddayaknow

    Wow really starting to look like Martin Sheen. Wild.

    I wasn’t paying attention to the intro really, heard the voice and recognized Emilio, but at glance thought it was his dad in the photo. Had to double back.

  • Stratoslug

    OP’s title reads 1875. Narrator says 1877. Accuracy counts in these kind of things. Proofreading (double checking) certainly helps to convince the readers that you’re not talking out of your a$$.

  • Your_Daddy_

    Pretty cool. With my family having a long history in NM – have always been fascinated with BTK.

    According to my great grandmother, who was born in 1909 – she said her grandfather had met Billy TK when he was young.

  • Dianagorgon

    That isn’t BTK. If there was a new photo of BTK it would be world wide news. There is only one verified photo of BTK in existence. Every few years people claim to have found a new picture of BTK the same way people claim they have found new evidence to prove who Jack the Ripper is. The photo that was found in a thrift store also probably isn’t BTK.

    This is an explanation from another sub.

    “I hate to be that guy, but the croquet photo has not been confirmed or authenticated…not really. The reason most people believe it to be legit is because every single news outlet reported in October of 2015 with clickbaity articles saying “new photo of Billy the Kid worth millions!” If you read the articles, however, all they say is that the picture COULD be worth that much, if only it was proven to be Billy the Kid.”

    “This was all to drum up interest in that Nat Geo documentary Billy the Kid: New Evidence. You may have seen it – narrated by Kevin Costner.”

    “Only problem is every legit historian disagrees with their findings. There’s major holes in the entire scenario they paint – that the pic was taken at John Tunstall’s ranch during the wedding of Charlie Bowdre just weeks after the Battle of Lincoln. Also many don’t believe the terrain is correct, the photo comparison analysis is highly flawed (dude who did the test has been wrong multiple times) and there’s no provenance or history of ownership.”

    “Not trying to promote my own stuff, but I just released an episode on this today so it’s all still fresh in my head lol. Another reason a lot of people consider it to be authenticated – and the reason why the owners claim it’s authenticated – is because an auction house has signed off on it. Not the same auction house that sold the real Billy the Kid photo, however…they don’t believe the croquet photo is the real deal, either.”

    “Another big tell is the fact that – as far as I’m aware – the croquet photo has YET to find a buyer. It was discovered in 2010, every news outlet in the world ran a story on it in 2015, along with the Nat Geo documentary, yet nobody is willing to shell out money for it. I think that speaks volumes.”

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