This is an 18+ Meme, you must ask for your parent’s permission to view it first.
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This is an 18+ Meme, you must ask for your parent’s permission to view it first.
View Reddit by wxd1979 – View Source
8 and under: having a great time.
9-12: depressed
13-17: all joy is lost, just going through the motions
18+: a smile on the face above a broken body.
Spot the target audience, I guess.
Life span of penguins looks to be 20 years, this checks out.
I remember playing club penguin and thinking “ha! 18 and over, what a bunch of old people!”
Oh…. how time flies.
>”Yall better start laughin real fuckin soon”
İf you are22 playing subway surfers..or candy crash
Omg! I remember all too much
I miss club penguin
me, being 18 and walking with a cane
This and og binweevils were the best thing. I remember trying to get my bin pet to juggle like 18 balls at once. I don’t know how people liked moshi monsters, you could barely even interact with people on that game
Hey, my stupid mind as a kid thought people lived up to 20 years old and I thought 20 year old was the elderly stage like in a snap, you are a elder man or woman.
Glad that my mind has improved.
The average lifespan of a penguin is 15-20 years, the image is correct.
> be me, 23 or so at the time
> buddy convinces me when I’m bored and have nothing else to do to play Club Penguin
> make my dude, log in
> eventually find the connect 4 area
> remember this connect 4 setup that baits your opponent and guarantees your win
> like six penguins hanging out playing
> start playing with them, winning every game
> one by one, they all leave
> it’s just me now
the weak should fear the strong
The bones in my back deteriorating the second it’s my 18th birthday
How Gen alpha sees Gen z:
Good thing they zoomed in, would have missed the joke otherwise.
The 13-17 Penguin is one pretentious hipster
That means get the fuck out.
I asked my mom if I could look at this meme, she said no. But I did it anyway.
Just reminds me of anime or JRPGs where a person’s 20’s are their twilight years.
I am 18+ and also over. Accurate.
I imagine the 18+ in the early 2000s were on a watch list after registering 😅😅
Would my age range just be a tombstone? Oof.
I was at house eating dorito when phone ring
What happened to club penguin?
I guess I am old geezer, then…
u/wxd1979 is a bot.
original post: https://reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/8i9utn/this_is_an_18_meme_you_must_ask_for_your_parents/
Anyone ever played Poptropica?
Club penguin is kil
are we talking pp size or wth is this ?
Man i miss Club Penguin.
Getting back into Runscape after 10 years away made me want ti do the same with Club Penguin, but Disney shut it down 🙁
Here we see the progressive stages of depression
That game was everything to me growing up
Haha le meme!
Also means you are now crippled because the shits dyou done during you teens
Maybe penguin had an accident while skating at 17
For a penguin, yeah.
Herbert age?
Are there still club penguin websites running? Like the fan run servers
I’m 15 and my back sounds like bubble wrap
we need a hastag to let disney know WE WANT THE GAME BACK
It feels like it