Tuesday, February 4All That Matters

This has to be the best Multiplayer FPS I’ve tried in a very long time ❤️


This has to be the best Multiplayer FPS I’ve tried in a very long time ❤️


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  • I’ve actually been having a blast with it too, surprisingly. Heavy feels a little OP though, way too easy to tank and stay alive and just light people up or run up to them with the sledge before they can trickle your health down.

  • Me and my friend jump on this game with zero expectation but end up having the best weekend playing this game and trying to do some 300+ IQ moves ( we just had demolished buldings with explosive barrels and steal cash at last second )

  • honestly a really fun game, only downside is I have never in my life seen so many awful players before. Like a majority of the time it’s like I am playing with Timmy who has never played video games before in their life.

  • I didn’t play the closed beta but jumped in yesterday for the first time. Having an absolute blast with it so far. Matchmaking is a little janky at times (lots of empty teams or missing players) but it has surprised me with how much I’m enjoying it!

  • Competitive mode is a blast. 16 teams try and be the winner of the tournament with multiple knockout stages. Dying is punishing since you lose a lot of your money making it so you have to actually think about how you’ll fight your opponents, rather than just rushing them constantly until you win.

    Having only one weapon stops snipers being a ballache too since to get the cashout you need to fight close quarters which snipers aren’t as proficient at (disregarding amazing players of course)

    Reminds me of hyperscape and i really enjoyed that game for the short amount of time it was relevant. Plus it removes the annoying part of battle royales by making revives more integral and quick to do so a fight is basically always happening with almost zero downtime, since the maps arent nearly as large as a battle royale map

  • The game is super fun, and the destruction and teamwork is awesome. But these live service games need to be updated constantly to survive. I hope the devs know this so that it doesn’t meet the same fate as games like splitgate.

  • Just started playing it yesterday. I think it’s a ton of fun and I love the utter chaos of the gameplay. The only problem I have is that tons of players leave in the middle of the match which leaves you at a serious disadvantage.

  • I think I’m the only one in the world who doesn’t like the finals. Which is fine. Is a personal thing. But if you’re out there thinking your crazy for not enjoying this game (as a FPS fan generally) you’re not alone.

  • I’m having a great time with it too—the only bummer is that when I party up with my friend we are unable to get a third random to fill in, which kinda puts us at a major disadvantage. Otherwise it feels really fresh and smooth as hell to play. Love the really clean future aesthetic mixed with the bombastic destruction. Like if Mirror’s Edge made sweet love to Battlefield Bad Company 2. The art style is maybe a bit too GAM3R A3STHETIC for my tastes but I can mostly forgive it due to the future game show setting.

  • Is it common on this sub for people to never post names of games in there posts? Nearly every post I see fails to name whatever games it’s about.

    Saying that, what is this?

    Edit: I’m an idiot

  • This game makes me rage more than any game in recent history, I don’t know why.

    The team reliance needed to overcome a team fight is enormous. If another team is healing/rezzing/group shooting the same target more than your team, you’ll lose every time.

    It’s like playing DoTA2, except the reliance on 4 others is condensed into 2.

    Some of my friends just end up on the other side of the map, taking 2v1 fights. Or jumping around on roof tops. Or just playing more “casually” and not being objective oriented. Or taking a fight when rezzing is easy and available.

    I’m not an asshole when I game, I promise. I know this sounds toxic as fuck, and it is. I’m not like this in any other game I’ve played, except this one.

    Drives me fucking INSANE to play this game with people who are not 100% dialed in and on the same page in terms of being objective focused.

    I don’t so much mind losing, but I HATE losing in this game when my team doesn’t even make what I’d call a “serious attempt” at capping the cash out. Some games I’ve played have just constantly had 1 friend dead and continuous 2v3 fights that just keep our team respawns staggered. Or, instead of waiting out a respawn so we can group together, my 3rd person runs in to fight, dies, then we get a team wipe penalty and have to stay dead even longer.

    I need to limit my time with this game.


    As for the game itself?

    There’s some meta changes I’d like to see.

    Flame throwers seems busted for the crumbled-wall-cluster-fuck that seems inevitable in most games.

    Heavy melee hammer needs to deal less damage.

    Fire in general needs a tweak, maybe even just remove from the game. The obvious strat requires everyone on your team to have pyro grenades to spam on the cash out.

    Double healing a heavy/running 1 heavy 2 mediums seems OP.

  • you must not play a lot of multiplayer FPS then. but in all seriousness, i’m not touching anything from Nexon despite these being ex-DICE devs, which is one of my favorite studios. Nexon just destroys everything they touch, like a blight

  • There’s some real cheese you need to suffer and lose against a few times before you can get the cheese for yourself.

    Went against a Light build Melee user and he could 2 shot most people, that sucks. Getting double teamed by heavies with flame sucks.

    It’s a game that takes a bit of communication and playing with pubs will make you want to jump out a window sometimes.

  • I thought I’d be extremely bad at it, it is very chaotic and fast paced. I’m old and not as quick in modern fps. But the amount of time our team won first place just out of sheer luck and chaos was awesome. You might be up against really good players, and still manage to come out on top. There are just so many situations that can turn the tide in your favour. Really enjoyed it so I will play more 🙂

  • It was fun, but 100% the company will add p2w bullshit. They did it for their other games and this one is prime for it. Can already see there being a update that adds a new type of currency that requires to be paid for that and every new and obviously better item that comes out will require a little bit of such.

  • It’s alright. Played the closed beta and 18-20 hours of the open beta and I like it but the jank isn’t any better. They should’ve implemented join-in-progress after the closed. But yeah other than a few minor gripes, it’s pretty great.

  • It’s pretty fun, its like a mix between CoD and R6: Seige.

    My main issue is…there needs more stuff. More weapons. More gadgets. More maps. More abilities. MOAR.

    Also, FIX THE LOBBY SYSTEM. Holy smokes, I barely ever find a match where everyone has a full team.

  • I enjoyed it but think it needs some serious balance. The healing gun seems way too OP right now, it needs a cool down or for it to be aimed.

    In my experience also there isn’t enough incentive to capture the initial vault and start the cash out. Maybe they need something like you earn more money the longer you were in control of the cash out or something.

    Ton of potential though, the gun play is really fun

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