I really want to like this game, but I just can’t get comfortable with the control scheme.
Luckily, they have a demo version (which is how I found out).
I guess I’ll just have to enjoy it vicariously..
I tried the demo, but it rubbed me the wrong way. The ship blocks too much of the screen and is too distracting, most enemies are too far away and too tiny, the screen was absolutely SPAMMED with directional markers of enemies and objectives, controls felt really awkward, etc., etc. Maybe there’s options and toggles to fix some of the issues, but if the default is so bad, I just couldn’t be bothered to dig into it.
I do think I’ll give it another shot eventually, when it’s on a deep sale. But this year is just too damn busy, too many games coming. If something isn’t amazing out of the box, it can wait its turn.
Playing this right now. I enjoy the exploration and story, the combat not so much. Too much clutter on the screen, bot enough indication how far away stuff is. The next Freespace, this is not.
The first one was good, not really star citizen scale but a great arcade game. Energy weapons to lower the shield, then switch to punch weapons as gatling or flak….damn fun! Locations get bigger and bigger, enemies as well.
Second one is overall bigger and better, I was actually backer no 100 because I was an hour too late :p can’t wait to play it through for the first time!
Can you get out the ship and run around space stations
I really want to like this game, but I just can’t get comfortable with the control scheme.
Luckily, they have a demo version (which is how I found out).
I guess I’ll just have to enjoy it vicariously..
Agree, it’s really nice. I’m playing it right now.
I came across this recently. I’ve been wanting something like Freelancer so will be giving this a shot.
I tried the demo, but it rubbed me the wrong way. The ship blocks too much of the screen and is too distracting, most enemies are too far away and too tiny, the screen was absolutely SPAMMED with directional markers of enemies and objectives, controls felt really awkward, etc., etc. Maybe there’s options and toggles to fix some of the issues, but if the default is so bad, I just couldn’t be bothered to dig into it.
I do think I’ll give it another shot eventually, when it’s on a deep sale. But this year is just too damn busy, too many games coming. If something isn’t amazing out of the box, it can wait its turn.
Meh, I love space games but not this kind of space game.
Would instantly buy another wing commander, free space, starlancer, independence war, freelancer game… But an arcade loot shooter? That’s a hard pass
If you enjoyed freelancer you will like this, it has the exact same vibe. Playing it right now and really enjoying it.
Yeah, I’m surprised more people aren’t talking about this one. I’m having a blast with it.
Playing this right now. I enjoy the exploration and story, the combat not so much. Too much clutter on the screen, bot enough indication how far away stuff is. The next Freespace, this is not.
“This game deserves more attention” doesn’t mention the game name.
Glad everspace 2 is not a Rogue-like game anymore
I really want to buy it but it goes for about 30 or 40 USD and in my country currency it will be like half a month of wages
I bought the first one after my disappointment with Elite Dangerous, but haven’t got around to it yet.
This looks cool
I really wanted to like this game but I just couldn’t quite master the flight mechanics. They’re a little different than something like elite.
Combat looks cool, but plays like a point and click adventure.
Manuvering is mostly pointless since shot velocity is high and range is low.
No dog fight mechanics, ships turn almost instantly.
The AI purposefully flys in a straight line so you can shooot them, when they can turn 90degrees instantly to return fire anytime.
The game is mostly about abilities and weapon combos playing like World of warcraft underwater combat than a flight sim or arcade flight sim.
Their inspiration was the ‘Descent’ games. Which is spaceships flying in caves…
Is it similar to Chorus?
Played the first and loved it. Backed the second and I’ve been playing through it!
Everspace 2…hmmm I’ll check it out.
It is similar to Chorus?
Wierd choice of engines that ship has. 3 aerospike engines and 4 ion engines.
Well done for actually captioning the photo with the games name.
Gameplay’s good. Story, dialogue, world and characters are the most bland and generic possible.
I love lego Star Wars!
Nope! Definitely not. This game is mediocre at best. But it is fairly well optimized and and looks good.
But the first one did that as well so….
The first one was good, not really star citizen scale but a great arcade game. Energy weapons to lower the shield, then switch to punch weapons as gatling or flak….damn fun! Locations get bigger and bigger, enemies as well.
Second one is overall bigger and better, I was actually backer no 100 because I was an hour too late :p can’t wait to play it through for the first time!
It looks beautiful, how is the gameplay?