This bus looks like it has 15 stories
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This bus looks like it has 15 stories
View Reddit by ThyGoat10 – View Source
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That is really satisfying.
r/confusingperspective perfectly too
I think that’s a Tram/trolley the central wheel hub gives it away. Buses have separate wheel hubs for each tyre also the Pantograph ontop 🙂
Good catch…
Wow, grat repost
I’m gonna gatekeep and say that this does not fit in this sub.
This sub is supposed to be for when the thumbnail itself is misleading. I do not see any ‟tall bus” in the thumbnail. Only in the full pictures.
No. It doesn’t.
That’s a Tram in Hong Kong.
Not a bus.
What in the Harry Potter is going on here
This is a country bus not a city bus.
*laughs in Harry Potter*
Had to do a double take lol
Hell, a bus like that? She’s got a million stories!
That’s nothing. Your local library has thousands of stories.
The future of the public transportation
You actually counted the number of floors.
pretty aesthetic, new wallpaper potentially?
That’s the tram in wan chai it’s not a bus
It’s building that transformers into a bus
Hong Kong?
Optical illusion
Looks like a tram to me. A rather happy one also.
Man, if those decks could speak…
… They’d tell 15 stories.
This tram looks like a bus
Its the bloody Night Bus, the camouflage just slipped. Shhh. Dont tell anyone! Take it away Ernie!!!