This advertisement of ‘sour patch’
This advertisement of ‘sour patch’
by u/nickonreddit123 in funny
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This advertisement of ‘sour patch’
This advertisement of ‘sour patch’
by u/nickonreddit123 in funny
View Reddit by nickonreddit123 – View Source
Not completely wrong though. German scientists were some of the greatest scientists.
“Ve must eliminate ze chews!”
Ze vorms of gummy are vermin.
I high school my asshole friends would feed me sour patches to laugh at the faces I’d make…
Now I know it was because they were part of the Patchy Solution!
That feels illegal..
We make our product into adorable little Nazis. People will love them.
Operation paper clip reference
Wow very telling to whoever has eyes to see
I was not expecting to see Wernher Von Gum in a candy ad, but okay.
Wir müssen sauer sein!!!
So this is what they mean by red pill?
I honestly don’t understand this ad. So much going on.
Who remembers the LPOTL Trolli ad? Lol
Operation paperclip?
Tja, nun ja also…..
I did Nazi that coming
Even the flying saucer is Nazi. Haunebu II.
Who greenlit this Tom Fuckery?
Imagine opening a bag of sour patches and then they all just do the God damn fucking nazi salute and go on a racist rant 💀💀💀
Just sucks that they are not sour enough.
First they’re populists, then they’re fascists
It’s funny because it’s true.
This shit will never air in Germany lol. I’d honestly expect Germany to stop selling sour patch kids for this. They take this kind of thing very seriously.
America has held ties with the Nazi party for a long time.
Its a joke. I was like Kyles mom for a second “what what what?!”
Operation “chip clip”?
take my upvote and leave
They look like the Jerry cult. From the Rick and Morty episode where Rick knocks-up a planet.
What… the…. fuuuuuu
I hate you… I want sour patch kids now lol, hmmph
So if you buy sour patch kids you’re supporting hitler
I Think they trying to spin the “aliens are bad” narrative for their upcoming unveil.
Damn. If I were the big peeps at Sour Patch HQ, I’d be more than a little pissed.
Looks like those sour candies are causing quite the stir!
Guys it’s the The Sour Patch Weimar Republic!
Can’t WAIT to see how many people are offended and cry about this silly cartoon.
Can we not fucking advertise on a website that just advertises
It’s like fuck my aunt whistles and sings the goddamn fucking commercial songs and now I live in a big fucking advertisement
Awe this is just hilarious as a history nut.