This absolute banger was dropped over 13 years ago and still amazes me to this day – Techno Jeep
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This absolute banger was dropped over 13 years ago and still amazes me to this day – Techno Jeep
View Reddit by austinthedeveloper – View Source
And that day; A Car is Born.
Hot Kool-Aid
How do I add this to my current Jeep lease?
Even though it’s old, this is still lovely.
never saw this before. pretty cool.
thats a rendition of [Benny Benassi – Satisfaction](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em2aO3CG9Zs)
i never caught that now.
Had never seen this before, way cool
Absolute banger might be a bit strong, though there was certainly a lot of banging going on.
Yeah everyone has been dropping “absolute bangers” from 15 years ago bc ONE SIMILAR POST did well.
Now we have to put up with incessant mediocre copycat shit bc you need karma so so bad. Thanks so much
Damn! Julian Smith, that’s a throwback! Straight back to my teens and being obsessed with Akbar along with all the rest of his works
I really don’t like the way it sounds. i don’t like the way it’s shot on professional equiptment with random “low-fi” camera shake (see 1.50)
Only wanted a quick wash n wax get if my doors
Absolutely terrible.
The sound kinda reminds me of (NSFW-ish) [Benny Benassi – Satisfaction](https://youtu.be/a0fkNdPiIL4).
I will take this opportunity to expose more people to this song/video Julian Smith made years ago. The song is great on its own, but the video is a great compliment. I feel like more people need to see/listen to this one.
Definitely a good song, but [I’d rather Eat Randy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xqKPe9w5bUs)
One of the Paul brothers did something similar, claimed they never knew this one existed.
And rightfully got shit on for it.
This one slaps tho
and no CGI
Such garbage
“download the ringtone” at the end really shows its age haha
what a piece of crap
This is the worst thing I’ve seen in a while. It’s a cacophony that hardly maintains a beat..
It is the second instance in a week in which an attempt at music sounds the way black licorice tastes.
That might be the worst thing I’ve ever heard and I once got my niece a Frozen recorder
If anyone wants something similar check out [Car Alarm] (https://youtu.be/xV7nHX2RLjQ) by Too Many Zooz
Reminds me a bit of Amon Tobin.
Makes me miss my XJ
I haven’t seen this somehow. It made me want to watch an OK Go video. It’s another car music video, but has a higher budget.
And with no CGI!
while impressive, does “absolute banger” mean something else to all of you?
I’m definitely going to reproduce the neat buzzing sound of touching jumper cables together. That’s EXACTLY what happens. Kind of reminds me of the guys fake-playing violins in parking lots, except with added shakycam so it’s hard to notice it isn’t live.
Industrial > Techno.
Instantly transported back to my adolescence, when I devoured Akbar and all of his other works.
Julian Smith?!?! Woooow, sooo long ago… What happened to him? Is he still around?
Humans 100 years from now will be able to experience this.
Interesting, never seen this before. Although the way they all ran off at the end, I thought there’d be a crappy superimposed explosion animation added to the jeep
I see some people saying this sounds like stomp. I’m unfamiliar with it but does anyone have any related music recs? I actually dig how this sounds lol
So cool!
Lmao taking advice from that fucking streamer to farm karma huh?
All this high end audio equipment and it’s filmed with a shaky cam from a balcony lmao
I love Julian smith!
I think the most amazing thing about this is that there isn’t even any CGI!
That’s not a starter car, that’s a finisher car!
This reminds me of [Sound of noise movie](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVPVbc8LgP4)
reminds me of this one i like a lot
What on a car is making those 60 Hz electrical socket sounds?
Give the man a glass of malk
You should watch “A Sound of Noise” if you want more amazement: