Computers were so expensive back then. I got a gateway computer back then and the thing cost $3000 and it wasn’t as close to as good as the computer in this video.
I remember when I had an apple 2E computer and I needed the word processing application to type up reports for school in seventh grade in 1989 and the Apple Works which is basically word cost $750. To write school reports/papers.
Ya know what..?
That’s a pretty good deal…
Playing Duke Nukem!!! “Hail to the ~~chief~~ king baby!”

Back when CH Products were cutting edge.
Oh man, my computer had those exact specs. The sound card and 5.1 speakers were a pretty expensive addition.
Those joysticks look cool af
What a beast!
Had something similar, but my 90s game play was limited to Doom II and MechWarrior.
Man I wasted alot of my life on those.
*the premo computer optimized for gameplayer*
Bethesda created this NPC.
1994 was Doom II. Magic.
It’s the compy 486!
I love watching the Computer Chronicles on YouTube.
This is mid to late 90s. Specs advanced pretty fast through the decade so thinking back to my 286 and 386 getting obsolete quickly.
$3500 for 16 mb of RAM and 2 gb hard drive. Damn. The value in 2023 is $7,125. Horrendous.
that 15 inch SVGA. Damn
Falcon NW assembled some nice PCs.
Dude looks and sounds like he did a key bump before cutting that segment.
get out of here, a 8x cd rom. Pretty sure we had a 4x maybe even just 2x
That’s $7000 in todays money. Quite a splurge for Warcraft 2 and Descent.
I love how the CH Fighterstick is still an awesome product today.
True quality!
16GB of RAM back then was more than enough. It’s enough for most desktop stuff even now.
…oh wait, 16MB of RAM
16mb ram. Man it’s crazy how fast tech advances
My first PC was a 486sx 25mhz with 4mb ram and a 120mb hard drive. I played a lot of X Wing on that baby.
Pentium 166?? Get me my drill… this baby’s goin’ to 200…..
that hairpiece was also 3d accelerated
“Great sound, as you can see”
Oh man I loved this show. I still watch it on YT frequently. Mainly the 80s stuff because those days were whacky.
Computers were so expensive back then. I got a gateway computer back then and the thing cost $3000 and it wasn’t as close to as good as the computer in this video.
I remember when I had an apple 2E computer and I needed the word processing application to type up reports for school in seventh grade in 1989 and the Apple Works which is basically word cost $750. To write school reports/papers.
Built in 3d accelerator.
8x CD-ROM.
This baby is ready for Mech Warrior 2.
Ah, the curvaceous speakers. If you mold plastic just so, you’ll get high-five 3d sound.
When you could spend top dollar to get a computer that would be obsolete by an order of magnitude in a few years.
“This is all the computer you’ll ever need!”
– hahahahaha *sadface*
*”Great sound as you can see!”*
Stop posting shit at 2x speed for fuck sake
In his defence, Duke Nukem 3d blew my dick off in 96
$3500 in the 90s, holy shit.