Think it’s too late to bring back this copy of R6 Vegas 2? Might be a little past the one-week rental..
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Think it’s too late to bring back this copy of R6 Vegas 2? Might be a little past the one-week rental..
View Reddit by iTzbr00tal – View Source
did you rewind it?
please… be kind
do you live in Bend? see what they say
Still my favorite game of all time.
Late fees!! 😬
Can’t you get a felony for not returning those lol I heard a story about it once
Now I know why they went out of business asshole.
Off to Oregon you go, late fees are going to suck
So, you are the reason they went out of business! Are you not ashamed of yourself!?
Imagine the late fees for that 🙈😂
Isn’t Blockbuster coming back? You better hope they don’t come to collect.
This is why libraries where I am dropped the late fees entirely. People used to worry about coming into the library and having like $3.7 billion late fee because they had a book they forgot about for a decade, even though I think the late fee was capped at like $5 unless you lost it. Now they ask you to try and return in time, but if you can’t, the world doesn’t end. Different atmosphere now.
Good f’in game. Played the shit out of that.
I got your back if figure out how and need to pay the charges 😉
Fuck I love that game with couch coop.
Played the hell out of both. Rappelling down, inverting upside down and swinging through a casino window t kill some baddies. Oh man where’s a Time Machine when you need it!
That game was so much fun, to think it was a rental at blockbuster makes me feel old. I remember how high-tech and advanced i thought that game was in the day, with the weapons customisation and character creation, so damn cool
The best Tom Clancy game ever
Right, lets get on split screen.
We’re not going bed until we finish oil-rig terrorist hunt on realistic.
Just keep it, that game is fire. One of my top 20 games of all time
You’re the reason Blockbuster went out of business?
If any of you were wondering, the late fees on this would be approximately $3,248 at the very least.
Blockbuster’s last day in operation was January 12th, 2014. Blockbuster has a $1/day late fee. January 12, 2014 was 3,248 days ago. So, assuming, perhaps unrealistically you rented this on the very last day they operated and that… theoretically you could return it (yes I know there is still a blockbuster in Bend, Oregon, they wouldn’t take this), that would be at the very very very least, $3,248 in late fees.
If this game was rented the year this game released, which was in 2007, that would be over $6,000 in late fees today, again, if you could, theoretically return it.
Don’t forget to rewind.
The fines from this guy alone could bring blockbuster back from life support
You’re gonna have to apply for a loan to pay for that late fee
Make sure you rewind
So you are the reason they went out of business !
That will be 500k fine sir