Sunday, March 9All That Matters

“They think I am hiding in the shadows. But I am the shadows” – The Batman (2022) has a fantastic opening monologue.


“They think I am hiding in the shadows. But I am the shadows” – The Batman (2022) has a fantastic opening monologue.


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  • Except Bane’s monologue in The Dark Knight Rises is even better:

    “You think darkness is your ally. But you merely adopted the dark; I was born in it, moulded by it. I didn’t see the light until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but blinding! The shadows betray you, because they belong to me!”

  • Noooooo! Noooooo!





    OP! No, that’s not a monologue to be praised, that’s like the added monologue on Bladerunner! It’s worthless, it adds nothing, it detracts from the scene!

    Listening to that monologue was when I sat back in my seat, just thinking “Okay, this movie thinks I’m an idiot. Because I’m going to a comic book movie.” It literally just spells out exactly what it’s showing you, it doesn’t enhance anything in the scene, it’s just “Do you see how we’ve got shots of the criminals jumping at shadows? That’s the effect of my work as Batman, even when I’m not there, they’re still scared of me.”

    Remove the monolgue and the scenes are far better. Seriously, cut it out, mute that track and see how much more effective that scene is.

    Christ. What a goddamn disapointment this movie was. Literally has *Batman* walk down a hallway just tanking shots from automatic rifles without even fucking flinching, like he’s superman or something. Nevermind that “The worlds greatest detective” doesn’t solve a single case, or that the script outright ran out of ideas for ironic punishment and wound up with “I’ll shoot him with my gun. And I’ve got a big elaborate plan to do it, because he never leaves the building, except earlier in the movie when he left the building and I was 5m away from him and did nothing.”

  • This movie was sooooo bad I had a hard time finishing it. I understand they tried to do something different but in the end it ended up being just a random guy dressed as a bat who’s not very good at fighting and is just running around accomplishing very little lol. Plus the plot was silly.

  • Was an alright opening then they proceeded to humanise? him too much. I will preface this by saying I’m not uber fan who has read every comic and watched every cartoon so maybe it was true to form but Batman is someone, some thing that literally pops out of the shadows, wrecks shit and disappears. This movie basically just had some fella in fancy dress walking around the place and taking motorbike rides. Having said that I’m perfectly happy to see another and see what they do. Batman is still Batman to me as long as they don’t return to the old pre Bale days.

  • This did a great job of feeling like Detective Comics/Batman Year One which often has this sort of internal monologue written on pages of a journal (as it shows him doing in this movie). Some people in these comments may not like it but its a great homage to the source.

    Example: [](

  • It’s the most shameless ripoff in modern cinema, during a time of “imitation” being normalized.

    The dialog, voice, cadence, cinematography and editing is so straight out of Zack Snyder’s Watchmen that you can splice together a combination of these monologues and it will feel like it’s the same character.

    “They think I’m hiding in the shadows. But I am the shadows”.

    “I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me!”

  • Probably the most faithful to the insanity that could create a batman. The lean gritty tone was perfect. Pattinson went a long way to washing the horrible aftertaste of Ben Affleck’s puffy dad batman out of my mouth. Rob was well cast and delivered a great performance. As did Dano as the dark riddler, wow. Truly disturbing and gothic and Tim Burton wishes he could have done half as well. As much as I love Michael Keaton because he’s great, I gotta say, this is by far my favorite Batman.

  • I saw this clip this morning and immediately went to Prime and watched the film. I thought it was great. This Batman was a little bit broody for me. No comedy in this version except when Penguin was hopping away with his ankles cuffed. Still I liked it very much.

  • Reading the comments, did not know this movie was so divisive. I thought it was a pretty damn good movie. A shade or 2 more gritty and grounded, like how a really disturbed billionaire might actually be batman. No crazy tanks or flying hover vehicles. It was more real.

    I think the Nolan movies created more likable characters, though. They all have a certain charm to them, and somehow all incredibly witty. When I sit down and ask myself if given a full blockbuster budget and an opportunity to make either a Nolan sequel or a Reeves sequel, with both directors fully on board and ready (my understanding is Nolan doesn’t want to because he feel like he told a complete story), I think it’s want a Nolan sequel. They leave off with a heel of a cliff hanger in identifying Robin and showing Robin the bat cave. I think Nolan may have been able to bring Robin into the ranks of a bona-fide superhero, like how he added a ton of credibility to Bane as a truly badass villain. But I would be very happy to give Reeves another go, too. I think Reeves nailed the introduction of characters, including the bat mobile.

  • It is a shame that the whole film did not maintain such a fine Halloween tone and atmosphere. And unfortunately, plot-wise got worse and worse until the nonsense finale.

  • I expected this movie to be terrible because of the production issues. it was filmed during the peak of lockdown in the UK. Production stopped and had to restart a few weeks later with full N95 masks etc. The lead actor was completely uninterested in bulking up for the role and ignored all obligations to get in shape.

    Yet somehow it came out entertaining.

    Of course there can be criticisms, but the more I’ve learned about ALL movie production the more ANY movie reaching completion seems like a miracle.

    It’s like a building a machine with 1000 moving parts, each component part of which is only 75% reliable. Actors, locations, equipment, finances, etc. all are likely to do a thing the creators didn’t intend. And if the director and producer can’t think of their feet fast enough then it will all just go in the bin.

    To me ANY movie reaching completion is amazing, but this particular movie being mostly good is pretty incredible.

  • I think this is really the best introduction to Batman in any of the movies.

    “Who are you supposed to be?”

    (Beats the hell out of them)

    “I’m vengeance.”

    Absolutely love this movie. It’s everything I want from a Batman film.

  • I thought that there really couldn’t be more Batman movies after The Dark Knight trilogy, but this one exceeded my expectations by an order of magnitude. Batman Returns, The Dark Knight trilogy and The Batman movies are the best and you can’t change my mind.

  • The Twilight kid that played Batman did a way better job in costume as Batman. Out of costume, couldn’t take him seriously. The Batmobile is cool. The way this movie is shot is cool, but the writing it pathetically bad and it’s so slow moving it’s like watching emo molasses.

  • Man if this movie had ended when they arrest Falcone, maybe with a short epilogue to put riddler in jail, it could have been my ideal batman movie. So many good elements. The last act just makes no sense. Flood the city like a tsunami and ALSO do a mass shooting? Its like farting after taking a shit.

  • Atmosphere and visual design was unmatched. This is my definitive movie version of Gotham City. This opening scene showing what appears to be a Joker gang AND the effect that the Bat signal has on the criminal underbelly of Gotham and how they eye every dark corner with apprehension is just *chef’s kiss*.

    I CANNOT FUCKING BELIEVE how well Collin Farrell faded into the Penguin role and the costume designs were top notch.

    HOWEVER, where I think it fails is the plot. In my opinion, they couldn’t decide whether they wanted to be a 6 hour miniseries or 2 hour movie and so we got this 3 hour long movie that somehow manages to be both too short AND too long. Like, I think that they didn’t adequately explore the Penguin’s story, the climax to the Riddler’s plan seemed rushed, and the relationship between the Waynes and the crime families of Gotham were really glossed over, but at the same time you REALLY FELT those 3 hours in the theater. I also wasn’t a fan of how…edgy they tried to make Bruce Wayne?

    I’ve always seen Bruce as sort of a broody character, but I think they went a little overboard and he came across as kind of TOO emo. Like I expected him to obsess over fighting crime to a fault, but I didn’t need him to be so whispery, abrasive, nor did I need him to be pulling the whole “you’re not my real dad” thing with Alfred.

    Overall, visually my favorite Batman movie, but plot-wise, I think that Batman Begins and Dark Knight still edge it out.

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