They/Them (Pronounced They slash Them) | Official Trailer | August 5, 2022
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They/Them (Pronounced They slash Them) | Official Trailer | August 5, 2022
View Reddit by Sisiwakanamaru – View Source
Very clever title.
Damn, first I thought someone was so scared of non-binary people, they made a horror movie about them xD
I’m easy, the title is clever enough to make me see it all by itself.
That stupid punchline is a movie, figures.
If anyone’s wondering it’s
How does a non-binary samurai kill their enemies?
Horrible name
What a dumb name
Didnt i see this pun in r/dadjokes? Mods really fast tracked the film rights to Hollywood
People to do, axes to grind.
The name absolutely captured my attention lol
A movie that was written around its title surely must be worth the watch…
edit: okay apparently it wasn’t written around the punchline of a joke.
Where’s the Lucille Bluth eyeroll gif when you need it?
Was kinda hoping for some relation to the [old 2002 film They](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9CDXhggvBhc). It was an ok film but I really liked the ending.
So its not about a non-binary person going around killing people?
Bacon looking pretty fresh considering how seasoned he is.
Remember The River Wild? That was a good movie.
Wow, the opinions on the title in this thread are total opposite ends of the spectrum.
Another white people bad movie. Wooooo…. What will they think of next….
A ridiculous title but points for wordplay
I’m very excited for this movie. Should be a fun time