Wednesday, February 12All That Matters

They harden in response to a good K/D


  • Skill based matchmaking can be hell on earth depending on how lax they are with the spread and where you sit skill wise.

    I think people generally interpret matchmaking as grouping up 8~12 people of close skill level, but that’s really not true. What they usually do is try to keep parity between *average* skill levels across teams. This results in significantly faster queue times, but can be universally frustrating for everyone. If you’re towards the top, you’ll feel like your team is always underperforming or not carrying weight (because it’s true). If you’re on the lower end, you’ll feel like you’re completely outclassed and MM is broken (because it’s true). If you’re in the middle, you get the odd experience of feeling stomped by one or two guys while feeling you did generally OK.

    This can be an especially crappy feeling when gameknowledge plays a large part like class-based/role-based shooters or MOBAs. Games where a single underperformer has a major effect on the outcome. At that point, it feels like a competition of “who has the better shitter”. These are a popular genre right now.

    It’s one of those “it should work on paper” concepts that just feels awful to experience. The alternative though is longer queue times, which I think people are irrationally overly adverse to, so *shrug*.

  • Apex Legends has the absolute worst implementation of SBMM I’ve ever seen.

    You have a win with 5 kills and 800 damage? The next lobby’s champion squad is 3 stacked masters or preds that play like if they don’t kill you they die in real life.

    Makes casual play almost impossible

  • If you guys want to see what not skill based matchmaking looks like, I invite you to meet escape from tarkov.

    The game is a flesh economy of 5k hour giga chad sharks who power level in a week what it would take a noob multiple years, who know every nook and cranny and loot spawn of the maps, equipped with hulking armor and massive fully kitted guns with 1000$ a bullet ammo sustained by the flesh of a quick turnover noob influx mass who are petering around the map in level 1 armor and rusted guns with no dust covers or stocks desperately just trying to find the exit.

  • I’m going to be honest, as much fun as I had in CoD before they implemented this, I imagine the other 7+ people in the lobby did *not* have fun. Farming the achievements for the high level killstreaks was legit hard only because people would usually all quit.

  • All you softies complain about skill based matchmaking just want to be the one crushing people instead of getting crushed. How do you think it feels when Willy-work-all-day comes home to relax and gets put in with absolute pumpers. Prob not fun for him.

    sbmm keeps the sweats together and keeps the casuals together.

  • CoD SBMM:

    You: Hop on, have a decent or good game, enjoy yourself.

    IW/Treyarch/Sledgehammer: OH SAY WORD. YOU’RE ON AN ESPORTS TEAM?

    You: Hop into another game, matched up against people who haven’t seen the sun in years, you die before you even respawn, there is no gunfight there is just brutality, no fun to be had.

    IW/Treyarch/Sledgehammer: awww widdle baby needs a bot lobby??? widdle baby needs no comp??? ok ok we give we give

    rinse repeat

  • Hmm… I’ve always thought skill based matchmaking is what is actually necessary to have as much fun as possible. When you get mismatched rounds is where it gets a lot harder to enjoy the games imo.

  • Playing PvP in WoW, League of Legends and WARZONE have taught me that most people dont want fair matches against peers, they want overpower their opponent who should fight back just enough for them not to be bored.

  • So either

    A) You’re a streamer “pro” who only wants to stomp pubs to feel good about yourself as you dominate worse players who don’t spend all day playing the game.


    B) You can’t have fun unless you win. Which is probably an indication you should switch games.

  • ‘Wahhhh it’s only fun if I’m winning and playing easy people wahhhhhhhh’ you think the noobs you’re destroying are enjoying their experience?

    Do you think the people wiping the floor with you after you got your skill assessed are not enjoying their time using you for their k/d like you did the noobs a few matches ago?

    Git gud or get fucked just stfu about it

  • I mean I’d rather play with other silvers and golds than Predators or Champions or whatever they’re called in whatever game I’m playing. Am I the only one that appreciates MMR systems? I’m too old to keep up with kid’s reaction speeds now, I’d rather play against fellow old mediocre gamers.

  • Aight, so let me relay the story of me in Destiny 2 PVP.

    I’m not good. I’m actually un-good, the epitome of a tired Dad Gamer just trying to have a little relaxation time after work. Pulse rifle, major neutral-game whoring, the whole nine. I don’t snipe, because I’m not good enough, and I don’t shotgun rush because my movement isn’t good enough.

    You get the idea.

    For months, every time I’d play PVP, I’d get absolutely shit-stomped by gangs of streamers or assholes rolling in six-stack death balls of Hunter Hand Cannon-fueled hatred, people who have never loved anything more than meta-abusing shithousery to maximize their winning efficiency. And hey, some people like to do that, they’re not bad people, most of them.

    They’re also not fun to play against. So I stopped. I just…quit playing all PVP modes in D2. It wasn’t fun to get annihilated by fourteen year old autists who will never desire the loving embrace of a woman or man. I raided, I played the story missions, but I adamantly refused to play PVP anymore.

    And then, Bungie enabled SBMM. And now, the games are actually close. I don’t mind losing by 5-10%, because the next game, I’ll win by 5-10%. I’ve got a *chance.*

    What people don’t understand is, some of the people playing with me are going to be the no-sunlight-PVP-lords of tomorrow. They just have to start somewhere, and grow into the Olde Gods of PVP. And if you don’t nurture them, grow them into the next Frostbolt or Aztecross or ZKMushroom, then they just won’t be there.

    Additionally, when everybody at my skill level stops playing, the only thing you’re left with is the sweats and the cheaters. So you got skill-based matchmaking anyway, but with the added step of killing off the player base first.

    There are many, many good reasons to not have SBMM. But the reason these game makers keep trying it, is because they’re doing everything they can to save the PVP experience for someone who isn’t as good as Panduh.

  • I play rocket league and enjoy it, sometimes I play with my brother who I’d very skilled.

    It is so disheartening to watch the other team fly everywhere and have brother say “you didn’t save it?”

    No I didn’t save it, he hit it 3 times in the air before landing

  • What does fun in fps shooter equal? Skill bases means you are with comparable opponents. These posts are such shit as the players’fun’ equals smashing noobs who can’t aim so they can feel good about themselves. Bullshit

  • Translation: I want to absolutely dumpster new players so I can feel better about myself instead of playing against people of my own skill level.

    Unless ypu are talking about wanting to do gimmick lobbies, which I think should always be available.

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