Tuesday, October 1All That Matters

These Are The Faces of Depression

These Are The Faces of Depression

These Are The Faces of Depression

View Reddit by soulsista04usView Source


  • KickMurderSquad

    Kurt Cobain

    Chester Bennington

    Whitney Houston

    Mac Miller

    Robin Williams

    Philip Seymour Hoffman

    Chris Farley

    Marilyn Monroe

    Amy Winehouse

    Chris Cornell

    Ernest Hemingway

    Lucy Gordon

    Simone Battle

    Layne Staley

    Gia Allemand

    Anthony Bourdain

  • IvoTailefer

    look at Layne.

    that part on MTV UPLU when AIC is playing the intro to Nutshell

    and he walks out just before the first verse and starts singing right on time.

    legend. RIP

  • 707Guy

    I always get bothered seeing Robin Williams in these. He wasn’t depressed so much as he was literally losing his mind and motor functions from Lewy Body Dementia. Did that likely make him depressed? Sure. But then just about everybody that’s gone out via assisted suicide could also be said to be the face of depression.

    Edit: Robin Williams’ widow: ‘It was not depression’ that killed him


  • ShadowMercure

    Man all these people were legends. I will say though, second from bottom left – does he not look sad in this photo? Everyone else looks jovial but there’s a pain in his eyes.

  • ebonyseraphim

    In my opinion, it seems almost like (some) depressed people are very keenly aware of what part of their internal feelings not to “share” or “spread” to the outside world. It can result in a very genuine and warm external persona that can drift too far from their internal feelings. I think one has to be quite close to such people to be able to detect this.

  • wicktus

    Chester Bennington I cried so much when I read the news…he was genuinely a humble, sweet person but had a horrific childhood traumas that scarred him for life, fuck depression.

  • SamaireB

    What are these weird conversations about precise manner of death?

    The title says “the faces of depression”, not “people who committed suicide due to severe depression”. It doesn’t matter how precisely they died. Whether it was depression leading to addiction or addiction leading to depression, whether depression was the only disease present or one of many, whether it was ultimately suicide or overdose that killed them – all of these can combine and show up in many ways, or they may even be unrelated.

    Point is that all these people suffered from depression in some shape or form and for some part of their lives. And because people don’t understand depression, I guess OP’s intent was to say: just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it’s not there.

  • WhiteAssRussell

    I had a really hard time yesterday. Kept convincing myself that I hate myself, my friends, and my life. I took a shower, ate dinner and went to sleep. Today is a new day:)

  • KinshasaPR

    Chester, Bourdain, Robin, Cornell & Hoffman are still hard to believe for me cause I really admired their work and they always seemed like they enjoyed what they did to the utmost.

    Everyone is fighting a battle to some extent, that nobody knows about. Please consider being mindful of others and exercise empathy.

  • HughJorgen80

    Reading through these comments, I’ve come to the conclusion that poor reading comprehension might be a far bigger societal concern than clinical depression.

    …and this is from a person with treatment resistant depression.

  • DinglenoggerLite

    My family is just learning about my crippling depression that I’ve successfully hidden for 20 years. They were all dumbstruck 👍🥲💀

  • masterbard1

    as a person who has struggled with depression it hurts me to see so many magnificent people leave us through suicide. My best friend and Wedding best friend Committed suicide 3 years ago and I still haven’t been able to get over it. I understand his motives, but I can’t get over it. :'( please if you have problems with suicidal thoughts reach out. if you want to talk with somebody. please contact me if you want to.

  • puss_parkerswidow

    I sat next to Layne one night at a show. He was kind, and had the best smile. It was obvious that he and the person with him that night were high, but they were both very sweet. I saw him around a few times, and that smile was really nice. I remember feeling so sad he’d died alone.

  • hushpuppi3

    As someone who has been incredibly depressed and is generally depressed, it’s super easy to smile and actually be happy sometimes. People seem to think clinical depression means you HAVE to be depressed 100% of the time, and when these people smile they’re ‘faking’ it. It’s just not true. Sometimes a situation or event ACTUALLY makes you happy and enjoy life.

  • Sk-yline1

    All of these are sad but especially Chris Farley. Dude started dying from drug overdose after begging a prostitute not to leave him because he was so unbearably alone.

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