They did this in Utica, NY, too, in 2017. They rebuilt a highway and added concrete barriers on all sides but no drains. Do an image search for: *utica arterial flooded*.
I looked into a similar option for a driveway. I don’t know about this particular barrier, but the ones I looked at were autorising. The flood water would actually raise the barrier up into place. Really cool engineering.
I still would not stand there. Imagine the force of all that water if that were to break.
You’d get yeeted into the wall and then drown.
Mercedes C World
r/confusingperspective ?
I’d like the name of the contractor who built that please.
He is just checking if he parked his car properly.
Get out of the boat lane coming through
Wouldn’t the water seep up through the ground as the water table rises?
They did this in Utica, NY, too, in 2017. They rebuilt a highway and added concrete barriers on all sides but no drains. Do an image search for: *utica arterial flooded*.
Wow. Must be somewhere in South Korea, southside. They get some pretty crazy floods there around Busan.
That’s just about the last damn place I’d be standing if that shit was going down…
This ain’t their first rodeo
Homophobes in middle East Asia watching the logos of different companies in the pride month
What he do seal the bottom lol
The drain is actually on the inside of the wall
This is in Korea. Happened when I was there years ago.
Boat lanes now open
Another foot and you can finish that sentence.
That’s pretty impressive.
It’s flood proof right up until it isn’t.
My sphincter after Taco Bell and a black coffee.
Would of sucked to be on the subway that day.
I would not stand there. Stand behind the planter
So long as it’s a no wake zone…
Does New Orleans know about this technology yet?
I looked into a similar option for a driveway. I don’t know about this particular barrier, but the ones I looked at were autorising. The flood water would actually raise the barrier up into place. Really cool engineering.