Tuesday, March 18All That Matters

There are still nice people in the world!


There are still nice people in the world!


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  • My mom and dad had a small St Francis statue stolen out of their yard. Darndest thing.

    About a week or so later, it was back in their front yard, and the little “bird bath” bowl was full of flowers. I guess someone was sorry.

  • I’m not super proud of it but in uni, my roommate and I stole a scarecrow out of the yard of one of the houses we passed on a night out.

    It was stupid and unkind but we were very drunk and young and stupid.

    I felt guilty the next morning and brought it back to return it as soon as I woke up. My roommate woke up and also felt guilty but couldn’t find it so went out and bought a new one to return in its place. Got there and saw the original and just left the new one there too. All before 7 AM.

    I feel bad still about stealing it to start but like to think at least that we’re someone’s parents’ story that gets told too often about the time their scarecrows just multiplied overnight.

  • Some people around here put free veggies, or plants within a wheelbarrow. Can possibly see the barrow getting emptied and someone was like ooo someone is throwing out free wheel barrow!

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