The view from outside my front door
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The view from outside my front door
View Reddit by basilsqu1re – View Source
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I love this view. I would research every building and get to know some of the history of each one while enjoying that view. I know some are obvious but there are always things to discover.
Amazing. Given that it’s probably a tourist attraction, is there a bunch of noise and disturbance throughout the day in the locality?
She’s a beaut Clark
This would be perfect view with my coffee this morning. Love it
If you climb to the top you can jump into a hay cart at the base.
This is amazing! I love it
Gorgeous. I am jealous
Wow! Nice!
The building on the right is the Thieves’ Guild. Go there to pick a quest that will lead you to the castle.
The Great Pyramid was the tallest building on earth for thousands of years.
It lost its title to this cathedral in 1311.
Lincoln Cathedral was the tallest building for 200 years.
Lincoln Cathedral! Well worth the visit if you’re ever in that part of the UK. Also go visit the Castle and Stokes coffee shop (assuming the latter is still there, it’s been a few years since I went).
[Here](https://www.google.com/maps/@53.2354958,-0.5323073,3a,42.8y,257.78h,95.37t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s2PVV5mjNgGMPyfiOlqN8_g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu) this is via Google Street View.
Fuck that hill.
Isn’t it right on the Monet? Not 100% sure
Checked he did Rouen
I’m thinking of his paintings of Parliament
Good luck in the College of Winterhold!
You won life
How beautiful the contrast!!
Beautiful. Yay for you, and thanks for sharing.
Also you should post this to r/fairytaleasfuck
I thought King’s Landing burned down when Daenerys attacked it with a dragon?
I love these old English houses. They look cool.
Yeah well I’m in south Florida and I got a Muscovy Duck, an iguana, and a mostly slimy canal in my backyard.
aha I walk to work on this street everyday, cool to see it here!
I’ve just moved to the area! It’s an amazing place. Super happy that I have moved!
WOW. i lived just down the road from the cathedral for my 3 years at BGU. recognised it instantly, beautiful place
Damn, thought you were in Baldurs Gate
This is an awesome picture.
Wow, you live in a fairytale 😍 ✨️ Looks magical. What a beautiful view to wake up to every day.
Remind me to come over for a cuppa when I’m in the area. Maybe play some tennis.
Bring out your dead
Do you live in Hogwarts?
Last time I visited this wonderful cathedral someone on the door said it was £ 10 to get in .I said I was seeking absolution , which I was, so I was allowed in .
light flex
How often do you get distracted by side quests when going outside?
Needs a dragon coming in for a landing in the mist. (Awesome picture!)
Stunning! Lucky you to have that view <3
Lived here for 3 years as a student, just near the bottom of Steep Hill.
Hello neighbour! Well almost, I’m about two minutes’ walk from here. I feel incredibly lucky to live in this part of town, it may not be absolutely buzzing but it’s definitely beautiful. We’ve had many visitors over the years who went from barely being aware of its existence, to commenting on what a hidden gem it is.
Ahhhhh yes I can see the cathedral from my flat window. Moved here for uni and never moved away ✨
Contact your local council. Neighbours need planning permission for sheds/outbuildings over 15sqm /s
You lucky duck.
Wow! Amazing photo as well!
Bro, do you live in a DND campaign?
Lincoln receives a lot of flak, but it’s nice to see how much affection people from around the globe have for our amazing city.