Prove me wrong….Russia has already captured Ukraine politically. Faking that they are going to invade. Aid, money, guns, and equipment flow in. Ukraine lowers flag. Russia raises their flag. After a short scuffle. Bam instant win. Putin does the jig. This is all a joke. A gambit designed to make millions👏 👌. The USA loves handing over money and assets to enemies foolishly.
This reminds me of Band of Brothers
Trench warfare… Oof.
Damn, i seriously thought this was a WW2 picture recolor
Not a great situation.
I’m from Buffalo, NY (-7F) and it looks very fricken cold!
With today’s weapons what’s the point of trenches?
Edit: honest question.
War….war never changes.
Captain Bogdan Blackadder.
Hopefully the Russians don’t have tanks with bulldozer attachments to bury the soldiers alive, like Desert Storm.
Boomers sure are good at figuring out ways to kill the young people.
Huh. I didn’t know AKs were around in 1915.
God save the Ukrainian people
Humans. The original virus.
and to think I just finished a binge watch of Band of Brothers.
Wait a minute I actually thought that was just a colorized picture from 1915. So you aren’t kidding, that’s Ukraine?!
Kid doesn’t even look old enough to rent a car.
But in color
When will the Russians attack? They are already late … it’s the end of January …
Unfortunately artillery and spotting is far more accurate than it was in 1915
Still a trench stops anything but a direct hit and certainly stops bullets
Then you see the technology mix
​ Guying using FPV drone for trench recon
Poor fuckin kid, stuck in a trench because old people gotta be assholes again. Fuck.
Man, i thought the slavs were better than this, they are starting to look more like the arabs fighting each other over land and governments
Get Juggernog ASAP
Prove me wrong….Russia has already captured Ukraine politically. Faking that they are going to invade. Aid, money, guns, and equipment flow in. Ukraine lowers flag. Russia raises their flag. After a short scuffle. Bam instant win. Putin does the jig. This is all a joke. A gambit designed to make millions👏 👌. The USA loves handing over money and assets to enemies foolishly.
I think being cold and miserable in a trench somwhere mainly made of mud hasn’t changed much the last hundred years.
CoD 2022