The two top radio hosts in BC were laid off today and the station has been playing killing in the name non stop for 9h now
The two top radio hosts in BC were laid off today and the station has been playing killing in the name non stop for 9h now from funny
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One of the most famous radio stations in BC layoff a bunch of people and today since at least 5AM the radio has been playing the same song, “Killing in the name” from Rage Against the Machine. I don’t know what is going on, but this is hilarious! Once in a while they stop the song and people call asking for a music request and guess what, they are asking for the same song!
What’s a BC?
They are changing format , good little stunt to drum up interest
Been listening for a while, what a great mix!
What station is 104.9 ? I’m assuming it’s a Vancouver station.
There was a new radio station in Athens, GA that went on air in the early 2000s that played nothing but Funky Cold Madina on repeat for like 2 weeks straight, had pretty much everyone talking about it. Turned out to be a trashy top 40 station but that was a neat marketing strategy nonetheless.
Listening now, this is a great song
It’s still going https://www.kissradio.ca/
Edit: it ded
This is the best station ever while playing fortnite.
Radio stations typically do this when they flip formats. Just play a single song for a day or so on repeat.
When I was 19 our oldies station started playing “Shine on you Crazy Diamond” by Pink Floyd. For a solid week, anytime you wanted, you could tune in to that epic symphony. Week two, they added “Tom Sawyer” by Rush. Week three they added “Stairway to Heaven”. For a full month these were the only songs played, commercial free, while they transitioned. It was golden.
They shoulda played Guerilla Radio.
at least play the unedited version…
who’s gonna complain
I remember in the 90s a local station changed hands and genres so they played Changes by David Bowe for 24 hours straight.
Marketing strategies be like that some time.
101.3 i think it was, in Minnesota a number of years ago was sold, had played pop rock. Rumor was it was changing to country. Their loop song was the end of the world as we know it by R.E.M.
As others have said- they are changing formats. I had a fantastic weekend in Peoria, Illinois about 25 years ago when on of their radio stations was doing but they did it a bit different- they called themselves KLOU or something and they played about 6 different iterations of Louie, Louie and they even had a station break. KLOU all Louie all the time
How is that any different from most radio stations?
We had a radio station in our town change formats once and they played Hungry Like The Wolf for 24hrs straight
A station in my area was laying off their backshift DJ’s back in the 90’s and going automated, one guy said just before his last show started ” if they’re getting rid of me why the fuck am I still here ?” What followed was nearly 4 hours of radio silence. The story goes he turned off the mic, locked the door to the equipment room, broke the key off in the lock, then did the same to the outer door. I guess it took that long for the station manager to find out, and locate a locksmith willing to come to the station at 2am to unlock both doors.
Who was laid off? I used to live there
The nation wide (I think it was at the time), government funded radio station in Australia once played “Fuck the Police” for 24 hours straight in response to the government telling the station that it could no longer play the track.
At the time I believe it was the only radio station in the world playing the song. (well at least from what they could gather in 1989)
Omaha, Nebraska – June 9th, 2006.
The Edge 101.9 played REMs “It’s the end of the world as we know it” for the entire day before going off air the following day.
The last song that DJs at 92.3 KSJO, a rock station in San Jose, CA, played was “Mexican Radio” by Wall of Voodoo
the station then changed formats to, you guessed it, Mexican radio
Should have played Tom Jones’ “What’s New, Pussycat?”
It’s still going wtf
It’s still on right now!!! 6:50pm local time
Still on repeat as of 7pm
How is radio still relevant?
what a legendary mix! so great keep it up
Fuck is blanked out, what a joke
Going strong at 16 hours (9:30 pm PDT).
When my parents we teenagers a guy locked himself in the local radio station for hours and played nothing but Winchester Cathedral. The police had to come and get him out. https://youtu.be/jKc1OCJ7iXk
I live where this is happen. Can confirm. Also can confirm they picked the best song to protest with. Haven’t listened to this much Rage in years. Forgot how good they are.
Aaaalright, that was Killing in the Name by, let me read this, Rage Against the Machine! coming up next, we got Killing In the Name, by… wow, Rage Against the Machine again!
Hey, Jerry bossman, if you’re listening today. Fuuuuck you.
Not gonna lie, didn’t know I need to hear rage against the machine 8 times today.
Could be they’re switching formats.
Maybe the same two people are going to come back to work July 1st and play different music.
Oh! I have a story to share that is similar. When the movie Madagascar came out, that theme song “I like to move it move” was playing everywhere. One night, while I was hanging out with my friend, we turned on the radio and that song was playing. Started cracking jokes about how tired we of hearing it and mocked sung it for a bit. However, while we were joking around, we noticed that the whole song wasn’t being played. It was just this part:
“I like to move it move, you like to move it move, we like to move it move, I like to- MOVE IT!”
That single part, on replay, for *hours*. At one point in time we even tried calling the station to see if anyone would answer, and it just rang and rang. I’m not exactly sure how long it officially played for, because after couple of hours of us losing our shit over this, we finally called it a night.
still going btw
Still going strong – and now with 1 listener from Denmark as well.