The theme to “It’s Gary Shandling’s Show” is the most literal theme song of any TV show
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The theme to “It’s Gary Shandling’s Show” is the most literal theme song of any TV show
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This was inspired by a recent r/askreddit post about the best TV theme song. IGSS’s theme song is wildly underrated. Its literalness is genius, see for yourself.
“This is the theme to Garry’s Show,
The theme to Garry’s show.
Garry called me up and asked if I would write his theme song.
I’m almost halfway finished,
How do you like it so far,
How do you like the theme to Garry’s Show.
This is the theme to Garry’s Show,
The opening theme to Garry’s show.
This is the music that you hear as you watch the credits.
We’re almost to the part of where I start to whistle.
Then we’ll watch “It’s Garry Shandling’s Show”.
This was the theme to Garry Shandling’s show.”
RIP Gary.
My fav Shandling joke:
“So I was at this barbeque with friends and I meet this girl. She was completely self centered.”
“The whole time we’re talking I can’t get a word in edgewise.”
“She’s all “Help me.” “MY hair is burning.” “I’M on fire.” It was just “Me, me, me.” the whole time”
I know I was just a kid when this aired, but damn I didn’t appreciate this show as much as I should have.
It was stolen from a kids’ sports team.
If you play that song backwards, he says >!Hail Hydra!<
I miss this show and Garry Shandling.
I was so young when this show came out and I loved it for some reason, even though most of the jokes went over my head.
Thank you for this trip down memory lane.
I think the Tom Green show theme is also up there if we’re talking most literal.
This is the Tom Green show
Its not the Green Tom show
This is my favourite show
Because it is my show
Its the Tom Green show
Looks like your standard Bel-Air living room.
Is this Randy “[Fat Old Husband Walkin’ Over](https://youtu.be/ARP6dXMlWQ8?t=83)” Newman?
Awwww fuck man. It takes me weeks to get this out of my head…
^(Hail Hydra.)
Reminds me of the lyrics to the Star Wars theme.