The Talking Heads in LA in 1983
The Talking Heads in LA in 1983
byu/Mad_Season_1994 inOldSchoolCool
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The Talking Heads in LA in 1983
The Talking Heads in LA in 1983
byu/Mad_Season_1994 inOldSchoolCool
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I’m exhausted just watching this. I had an opportunity to meet with David once, but it fell through.
Saw Stop Making Sense at a midnight movie theater once. This annoying hippy bro kept jumping up and doing all those running moves in the aisle. At first it was just quirky or whatever, but then he somehow convinced half a dozen other people to join in and starting leading them in dance-laps around the theater, like some sort of low-effort Rocky Horror thing. I still hate that guy
Favorite TH song! They nailed this live version. I had never seen this live version before. Thanks for sharing!
Amazing stage performance
Giving away my age a little, but I saw them on the Stop Making Sense tour live in Nashville. Best concert I’ve ever been to in my life… It was an experience!
Skipped a high school football game to watch this movie in the theaters. Great decision! Epic movie and this is my favorite performance of the film. The physical demands to do that and still have the breath to power through the song….wow!
I saw this tour with Tom-Tom Club warming up at Milett Hall at Miami University in 1983. Snuck in with a friend during the day and camped out in an equipment room till the music started then slipped onto the floor which was general admission. Still one of my top 10 concert experiences.
The name of this band is *Talking Heads.*
I know they’re moving around a lot but that’s still like 62% cocaine sweats
Cillian Murphy coulda played that dude in a movie.
This is my daughter’s favorite song and video right now. She’s 3 — and has impeccable taste.
That dance move at 58sec is more memorizing than a lava lamp.
I saw them in the summer of ‘83 at Forest Hills Tennis Stadium. My 3rd and last time TH show.
Talking Heads were definitely not my bag back in 1983 but dang, that was impressive
Love them so much. I never got to see them live sadly
Ednah Holt cut her hair short to be easier to care for on the road, Byrne asked her to get extensions put in because the hair flips were such an important part of the visuals.
So good. David Byrne is so delightfully mad
No matter your age, watch Stop Making Sense.

Anybody have any questions?
Byrne is so freaking cool
This looks extremely bizarre with the sound off.
You’d better be fit if you were gonna be in this band lol. Wish they’d play this at my gym instead of soap operas
I worked in a video store in the 90s and we would place bets on how fast we could get someone to rent something we put on the big screen. This never made it more than 10 minutes before a customer wanted it.
You know how people talk about a particular band and concede, “They are great but awful live.”?
TH _never_ had that problem.
if Cillian Murphy couldn’t dance but could do cardio
I’m just now appreciating The Talking Heads 40 years to late
Man, what a workout!
Saw this in IMAX a few weeks back. So effing great.
We wore the groves out of their albums in the early 80s while in college. Seeing Stop Making Sense in the theater next to campus was a magical experience.
Tina Weymouth on the bass in pure perfection. Just watched this whole movie the other day!
Stop Making Sense is one of the three greatest concert films ever. The other two are The Last Waltz and Concert for George.
[Edited to add honorable mention: Laurie Anderson’s Home of the Brave, which is phenomenal.]
The greatest concert film ever made.
1:00-1:28 is absolutely iconic
They’re re-releasing Stop Making Sense in theaters for the 40th anniversary.
I wore this tape out in high school. Driving around in my ’79 Corolla liftback with my best friend’s boombox in the back because I didn’t have a tape player.
A grungy old repertory cinema in my town used to frequently have a double bill: Laurie Anderson’s *Home of the Brave* and Demme’s *Stop Making Sense*. Made for a great night.
The rhythm is outrageous. frisson visualized.
greatest concert movie of all time
Prob the coolest thing I’ve seen here in a while.
OMG this looks amazing. Just everyone having a good time and wilding out
Wayyyyyyy ahead of their time.
The David Byrne style of dancing is untouchable
Whats the name of this song?
Sorry for asking, i*m a new fan*
My uncle met him at a bar in Portland years ago. Started talking to him and they had a few beers together and chatted. Said he was super down to earth and interesting to talk to
When great musicians, vocalists, and writers got together and out on a great show playing memorable rock songs.
A lost art.
Did we just witness the invention of Jazzercize?
When I was in college in 1989, I worked part-time in the school’s main theater, where musicians, shows, speakers, comedians, etc. would come perform. During set-up for one of the shows, I talked to a roadie for a while, who told me stories about some of the bands he had worked for. He said all of them were much more normal than you’d think. Except for Talking Heads. They were stranger.
Mr. Bernie Worrell on the keys. I love that he got involved with them.
Great Band, Great Song, Great Performance.
Still relevant.