The Steam Deck is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural 🗿
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The Steam Deck is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be… unnatural 🗿
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My fav RPG to this day still
I want to do the emulator thing on my steam deck mainly for this game lol. I’m afraid I’ll mess up my steam deck though cause I’m not very good when it comes to modding or emulating stuff
Sorry I am arrogant to the news here, has the Steamdeck been homevrewed? What os can it boot?
Excellent choice my friend!!!! Sunk countless hours into my original physical cartridge 😊 lots of good memories playing that one
Golden sun is such a great game. Its the only turn based game I like besides pokemon <3
Kinda feels redundant using the steam deck connected to a TV and external controller. Just seems like you could’ve used a cheap laptop for that. The whole point of the steam deck was to be a handheld.
That being said, excellent rpg choice. Fucking love golden sun.
As a gameboy collector, how dare you. But really, any way you can play this game I am all for, have fun!
There was a Gamcube expansion that let you play GBA games back in the day. That thing was sweet. Though save states from emulators are unmatched.
You can just plug a pc into the computer. And not even a good one. I have an old piece of shit that barely runs dolphin but it runs
this was one of the BEST Nintendo handheld games.
Waiting for my Analogue Pocket to replay this. Hopefully some time in the next month or so I should be getting it.
At any rate, have fun! Great game!
Fuck now i need it…
Honestly such an amazing game + sequel. I can still name some dungeons by the music tracks lol. Remember the story, characters, bosses. So much fun. I had a maxed out, hundreds of hours save in The Lost Age that was erased by accident and I was sad about it for weeks
Still have it for my gameboy.
Now that’s the game worthy of a remake.
Are you playing the steam deck through the ps5?
Man this series was great, brings back memories 🥰
This game could make a great tv series if done well. Interesting fantasy world with cool magic systems and characters. Makes me wonder why Amazon or Netflix don’t try their hands with these old games. Seems like it could be a great chance for Nintendo to regain some relevancy
The Raspberry Pi would like a word…
Oh man, I played the heck out of this game back when it came out, though I never did beat it back then. Excellent game, so well done in every way, and probably the only Pokemon type game I got into any. I really should go back and see if I can finish it finally…
Portable emu device.. man I miss my PSP 😭
Who are you, so wise in the ways of gaming?
Is it possible to learn this power?
You lucky sob. I have the sequel game but like the og more just can’t find it
This game was so amazing until someone stole my GBA and games out of my backpack.
Holy shit I forgot this game existed. Slam it back from decades ago lol
eh got it on the wii U
I see Golden Sun, I upvote.
fuck, this is my favorite game of all time. i have never been able to emulate it successfully.
So… like… are people just discovering emulators now and didn’t realize they could do this with a PC before?
I couldn’t imagine shitting out all that money for a Steam Deck only to use it as a glorified emulation machine.
There are much cheaper solutions if that’s what you’re seeking.
that’s not a steam deck
that is a tv
I see this kinda thing a lot with steam deck folks. Are you really gonna play through this game? Or you just wanna post to let people know you can? Lol
That soundtrack plays rent free in my head
You made me jelly – wish they’d start selling the Deck in my country. 😐
I got stuck somewhere in golden sun 2 and it just made me stop playing. I’m so mad about it still.